
Minutes of PC Meeting 25/10/21.

Minutes Uploaded on November 17, 2021


Held in the Village Hall on Monday 25th October 2021 at 7.30pm


PARISH COUNCILLORS        Mr Tony Sauer – Vice-Chairman

Miss Sue Pargeter, Mrs.Di Hine, Rev. Deborah Perreau

Messrs. Ed Cockburn, Ian Croucher, Dr. Colin Ryall, Ian Stonex, Ian Whitehead

Also, Jenny Kenton (District Councillors) Anne Hunt – Clerk, and 2 members of the public

Apologies – Councillor John Gilbert, Amanda Broom (County Councillor) and Martin Wale (District Councillor)






Amanda Broom (County Co.) –Report circulated via email


Jenny Kenton/Martin Wale (District Co.) –Recent Recycling issues should have been resolved this week. The new swimming pool which is part of Chard Regeneration Scheme is due to open on 8th Nov.    The site traffic from Blackdown Heights, Crimchard, should not be using the Cuttifords Door road   JK and MW will be attending some training on Planning in November.     Combe School running track should be discussed in November.  Information re Future of Chard shop front can be seen in the Guildhall

Martin has been asked for information as to who in the Council can give help re Riparian remit and help and advice on the best course of action that can be taken.   Environmental Agency/Somerset Rivers Authority have not replied yet, as to practical information to find out who can carry out the work re clearing the river, and funds to carry it out.


50/2021                 MINUTES

The Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 27rd September 2021 were approved as a true record and signed.


51/2021                 RECENT FLOODING EVENT IN PARISH

Repair work still needed along river bank at Pudleigh.   A resident of Nimmer attended this meeting who was flooded again last week and still unable to move back into his home until December. Ditches need clearing from Cuttifords Door Lane down to Nimmer, drains still blocked with silt, .and stream course under the road still not clear – photos taken by Highways but no work done.

Letter to be sent to all the residents affected by any flooding by email, or by hand as necessary, re `Somerset Prepared` meetings, information re drains, copy of article from N. Somerset re Watercourse Management, and to draw their attention to their riparian responsibilities and clearance of ditches.      Article will be put in next Cloverleaf magazine and website, especially noting riparian duties and ditch clearance.


52/2021                 PLANNING

None received this month.


53/2021                 THE LAWNS

Application form for grant, copies of quotes, and accounts sent to SSDC. Councillor Ian Croucher thanked for all his work in this connection.   Quotes to be obtained for the copper beech tree to be checked and trimmed as necessary.


54/2021                 CORRESPONDENCE

SSDC consultation on new Chard shop front design in the Guildhall.  Chard has been designated a High Street Heritage Action Zone by Historic England. with funding.


55/2021                 HIGHWAYS

Consultation re A358 dualling scheme continues.  It was resolved to agree with all comments made by the Parish Councils along the route.


56/2021                 FINANCE     

 Half-year accounts statement as at 30th September 2021 circulated.


The following payments were approved.

Mrs. A. Hunt (postage/broadband costs)                                                £30.00

Mr. R. Boulton (repainting slide, and various repairs to bins etc      £1113.02

Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal (section S137)                               £100.00


57/2021                 GENERAL MATTERS –


  1. a) Sign still needed for bottom of Underway warning of `children in road`
  2. b) Sign needed at bottom of Stantway to deter heavy vehicles. There is already one at the top junction.



Combe St. Nicholas Parish Council