
Minutes of PC Meeting 22/08/2022

Minutes Uploaded on September 21, 2022

Public time –



Held in the Village Hall on Monday 22nd August 2022 at 7.30pm

PARISH COUNCILLORS        Mr. John Gilbert, Chairman

Miss Sue Pargeter, Rev. Deborah Perreau, Mrs Cressida Govier-Drake, Mrs Louise Simmons,

Dr. Colin Ryall, Messrs.  Ed Cockburn, Ian Croucher, Ian Stonex, Ian Whitehead

     Also    Mrs. Anne Hunt – Clerk, Mrs. Jenny Kenton (District Councillor) and 4 members of the public.


Apologies – Mrs. Di Hine, Martin Wale (District Councillor)

34/2022                 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST


Jenny Kenton (District Co.)  Decisions and staffing are currently causing some slight problems in the run up to the new Somerset Council handover date of May 2023 and Local Community Network groups are being set up around the County.   A cross party group is being formed to help deal with the pressure on residents to relieve the pressures of the current cost of living crisis and high energy costs which could cost the County an £18m. overspend     Some funds currently allocated towards a new Chard primary school maybe temporarily re-allocated to other capital projects as the birth rate is currently falling and the new houses are not being built so quickly due to phosphate issues.

36/2022                 MINUTES

The Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 25th July 2022 were approved as a true record and signed

37/2022                 RECENT FLOODING EVENT IN PARISH

Councillor Rev. Perreau (Flood Co-ordinator) reported – SCC will not be giving out sandbags in future, so residents have to buy their own.  Discussion followed re various ways the Parish Council could help out via supplying sand/hessian or other material bags/etc.  3 sites would probably be needed to store these together with flood safety equipment.

Rob Grimmond has drawn up a Community Contingency Plan and Councillor Perreau will prepare a document to go to the Somerset Rivers Authority to get financial assistance and Flood safety equipment.

Riparian responsibility for residents is still taking sometime to convince some people to act, and a meeting with Emma Gifford of S.R.A. is still being arranged.  Meeting by group to be held in Sept.


38/2022                 PLANNING

  • Re Enforcement Planning to query if planning permission required for current caravan, and 6 storage containers in a field off Whiteway. Nothing heard to date from SSDC
  • App.22/00932 Land OS.0005 Greenway Lane. Erection of an earth banked slurry lagoon. Updated supporting information feasibility study.   Various test sites/Soil study carried out by Independent surveyor.  Presumably Environment Agency has to be involved checking procedures. All this information should have accompanied the original application

38/2022                 Planning (Cont’d)

  •  App 22/02091/S73a Land adjoining Three Corners, Stoopers Hill. Vary condition 2 of app. 18/00467 and 21/01234 (landscaping scheme) Addition of a sunken garden area accessed from the basement, with new patio doors and repositioned stairs. Amendment to landscaping plan, change of part driveway and gate materials, and removal of previously proposed hedge on northern boundary.   No objections
  • App.21/03447/S73a Land adjoining Three Corners, Stoopers Hill Vary condition 2 of app. 18/00467 and app. 21/01234/S73a by the addition of a balcony with 1.6m obscure privacy screen for the master bedroom.   Notice of Appeal Receipt.  To Planning Inspectorate at Bristol.  Previous comments made will be forwarded to him by Planning Dept.


39/2022                 THE LAWNS

Following the meetings with Proludic Ltd. and independent safety inspector, some alterations have been made to the Skyrail, and it now runs slightly slower, and parents find this satisfactory.

A discussion about how to improve the gaps in the safer surfacing tiles was held, and when the wooden surrounds are replaced, this may possibly be rectified by re-laying them.  A meeting to be held with Mr. Powell who has provided a quote for replacing the wood, to see if this is possible.


40/2022                HIGHWAYS

 As the visibility is very limited when accessing the junction between Stoopers Hill and Lucas Lane (Higher Alterhay) a mirror has been suggested.  More details being obtained.  Hedges on either side of the junction need trimming back too.

The Speed Indicator Devices have been ordered and should be delivered shortly.  The `Save the Dragon` committee have agreed to donate some of their funds (pub now purchased independently) towards this project.


41/2022                 FINANCE

 The following payments were approved and will be paid via Internet Banking.

£30.00.            Mrs A. Hunt (postage/broadband. costs)

£293.20.          Mrs. A. Hunt (salary July 2022 less tax)

£18.00.            Village Hall (August meeting)

£100.00.          Mr. P. Maple (repair of a further seat on The Lawns)

£40.00 less £5 for a direct debit.  The Information Commissioner (GDPR renewal)

42/2022                 GENERAL MATTERS –

    1. a) Harvest Supper takes place on 24th
    2. b) A vehicle is parked outside George Barton, causing possible traffic hazard. Clerk to see resident.
    3. c) In view of the current large price increases in heating and other cost of living expenses it is suggested help will be needed by some residents – any excess/donated food to be supplied – provide a community fridge/freezer – etc. Discuss at September meeting.
Combe St. Nicholas Parish Council