
Agenda for PC Meeting 22/05/2023

Agendas Uploaded on May 19, 2023

Combe St. Nicholas Parish Council

Clerk – Mrs. A. Hunt                                                                          Alterhay House

Tel: 01460 61296                                                                                Combe St. Nicholas

e-mail;                                            Chard, Somerset. TA20 3LT

23rd May 2023

The Annual Parish meeting will be held on

Monday 22nd May  

In the Village Hall at 7.30pm

All members of the Parish are welcome.

The Chairman will give a resume of the past year.

This will be followed by the Parish Council meeting

County Councillors will also attend, and questions can be asked during Public time at the start



  1. Election of Chairman and Vice Chairman
  2. Apologies and Declarations of Interest
  3. County Councillors reports
  4. Minutes – Approve Minutes of meeting held on 24th April 2023
  5. Flood Mitigation and Community Resilience Meeting – Update
  6. Planning
  • App.23/01147 Combe Dingle Farm, Street Ash. Certificate of Lawful Use or Development for existing use of an agricultural building for commercial storage (B8 use) of equipment and materials used in the installation and maintenance of green roofs.
  • App.20/03725 Land at Frys Cottage, Cuttifords Door. Erection of new dwellinghouse. This application will be discussed at the Planning Committee at Yeovil on 23rd May.
  1. Highways –
  2. Moormans Tenancy Surrender Agreement arranged.
  3. Finance – Lego club Check and Agree the Annual Governance Statement before Internal Audit.
  4. Finance – Check and agree the Financial Statement before Internal Audit

£30.00 .                                               Mrs. A. Hunt broadband costs)

£18.00.                                                Village Hall (April meeting)

£330.00 +£ 66.00 vat = £396.00.        NetWise UK (Annual Web Maintenance)

£56.39 + £11.27 vat = £67.66.            Repay Mrs. A. Hunt (paint for telephone box) 2 x 1ltr. + shipping)

£978.79.                                              A.J. Gallagher (annual Insurance due 1.6.2023)


  1. General Matters    Next scheduled Parish Council meeting – 26th June 2023

Anne Hunt – Parish Clerk

Combe St. Nicholas Parish Council