
Minutes of PC Meeting 24/04/2023

Minutes Uploaded on May 19, 2023

Public time



Held in the Village Hall on Monday 24th April 2023 at 7.30pm

 PARISH COUNCILLORS        Mr. John Gilbert, Chairman.

Rev. Deborah Perreau, Mrs Di Hine, Miss Sue Pargeter. Mrs. Louise Simmons

Dr. Colin Ryall, Messrs. Ed Cockburn, Ian Croucher, Ian Whitehead,

Also     4 members of the public.    Mrs. Anne Hunt – Clerk.  Martin Wale (County Councillor)

Apologies – Mrs. Cressida Govier-Drake, Mr. Ian Stonex, Mrs. Jenny Kenton (County Councillor)


108/2022-23         DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST



Martin said there are 38 Planning decisions outstanding in this district, Chard North, with 14 of them in this Parish, due to `phosphate` delay.  He and Jenny Kenton have a training day soon – Strategic planning, merging districts into one – the current one runs out in 2028.


110/2022-23         MINUTES

The Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 27th March 2023 were approved as a true record and signed



A meeting was held last week and more details discussed. A public information meeting will be held later in the year

2 Flood Warden Kit bags have been delivered.     One will be kept at Nimmer and the other in Combe.

An informal meeting will be held on 23rd May for those personally involved with flooding to exchange critical information, etc.


112/2022-23         PLANNING

  • App.23/00764 Land at Clayhanger Cross. Erection of barn to provide stables/storage for private equine use, and change of use from agricultural land to dual use for agriculture and equine. After discussion about size of barn in relation to land holding, 7 Councillors voted in favour, with 2 abstentions   Notice to be made that there are no contingencies for collecting rain water, and water harvesting, especially in view of previous flooding issues further down the hill.


  • App.22/00932 Land Os 0005 Greenway Lane. Erection of an earth banked slurry lagoon, additional information. The new information gave details of land holdings and slurry timings etc.  Great concern still shown about danger of leakage   Previous events at Brocolle Lane and Greenway Lane also noted. Environmental Dept. still investigating.      Only 12 acres are actually owned by the Applicant in this area and concern about amount of slurry stored if the rented acres are terminated.  No long-term holdings shown.  Questions about who will police the site if built.     Unanimous decision – still oppose the application and comments above included.  Request for this proposal to be discussed at the Planning Committee


113/2022-23        COMBE ST. NICHOLAS C.E.V.A. SCHOOL

 Request received to give a grant from any CIL (Community Infrastructure Levy) payments towards new play equipment needed in the School playground to replace current climbing frame which has had to be demolished.  At the moment there are no CIL payments in the pipeline as no new building currently agreed due to planning hold-ups for phosphate reasons.


114/2022-23        HIGHWAYS 

  1. a) Highways to be contacted as Nimmer Mead Lane continually flooded/drain clearance.
  2. b) The sink hole in the Pretty Oak Main, near Belcombe Drove has been filled but appears to be sinking again. Highways to be informed.
  3. c) New SID (Speed Indicator Device) installed in Wadeford (near junction with Pudleigh Lane)


115/2022-23         MOORMANS

Advice received from GTH, Agricultural Office, – a Surrender Agreement required (£50) from the current tenant’s representative, and this can then be followed by a 3-year Farm Business Tenancy Agreement. (£250) with any new tenant.  Agreed unanimously to use this route and Clerk to contact them.  Thanks to Councillor Di Hine and John Gilbert for getting the information.



As ROSPA have better prices this year for the Annual Play Inspections it was agreed to arrange this through that organisation.

It was Also agreed to pay for an Play Inspection at Underway Meade as a donation.


117/2022-23         VILLAGE HALL 

The work on the Roof and solar panels will start at the end of July and into August.


118/2022-23         FINANCE

Risk Assessment and Internal Controls report agreed and signed

A handyman/painter has contacted the Clerk and agreed to repaint the Victorian Lamp-post on The Green, and paint/repair various pieces of play equipment as necessary.  All agreed

The following payments were approved and will be paid via Internet Banking/Cheque

£30.00.                                                Mrs A. Hunt (broadband and paper costs)

£277.60.                                              Mrs A. Hunt (salary April less tax)

£18.00.                                                Village Hall (April PC mtg)

£264 + £52.80 VAT = £316.00.         Evaq8 (flood warden kit bags x 2)                 )


119/2022-23         GENERAL MATTERS

1. Coronation of King Charles III on 6th The bonfire at the new beacon site at the top of Stoopers Hill has been cancelled due to problems and insurance.

A picnic will be held in the School playground – open to all.

A social event will be held in the Village Hall on Sunday evening to watch the national concert – own drinks and nibbles.

2. Playground at The Lawns visually checked.

3. Next Agenda item – request for possible monetary help towards the Lego Club, currently held monthly at Methodist Church

Combe St. Nicholas Parish Council