Held in the Village Hall on Monday 24th August 2021 at 7.30pm
PARISH COUNCILLORS Mr John Gilbert – Chairman
Miss Sue Pargeter, Mrs. Di Hine, Rev. Deborah Perreau
Messrs. Ed Cockburn, Ian Croucher, Dr. Colin Ryall, Ian Stonex, Ian Whitehead.
Also, Jenny Kenton and Martin Wale (District Councillors) & Anne Hunt – Clerk,
Apologies – Councillor Tony Sauer and Amanda Broom (County Councillor) but report sent.
Jenny Kenton (District Co.) – The new Leisure Centre/Swimming pool should be completed in late 2021 – a 5-lane swimming pool/gym/café, etc. It will be run by a `not-for-profit` National Group. Electric vehicle charging points will be supplied. The new Unitary Authority elections will take place in May 2022, but wards not known yet – with probably 70-80 County Councillors, compared to the current 269 Councillors. Parish Council elections could be held at the same time, decision still to be made.
Martin Wale (District Co.) – New Unitary Authority – still lots of paperwork/arrangements going on. Parish Councils are being encouraged to take over some duties, paid for by SCC, such as a Lengthsman. There have been some complaints about lorries from the Barratt Homes housing site just passed the Cuttifords Door crossroads going through Cuttifords Door although they are not supposed to as per Condition 5 of their planning consent.
33/2021 MINUTES
The Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 26th July 2021 were approved as a true record and signed.
On the 28th June 2021 an intense downfall of rain culminated in extreme flooding to property and damage to roads, etc. Follow up meeting was arranged with the Asst. Highways Manager and 2 Councillors. Various points of responsibility were discussed and locations shown where problems had occurred. Letter to be sent to obtain clarity of this information, in writing, so that the information can be given to residents via the Cloverleaf magazine, etc. (responsibility for verges, ditches, clearing for visibility, etc.) Residents and Councillors very pleased with resurfacing/new drains in Scrapton Lane
The `gully gulper` had cleared every drain and sill
Another meeting was arranged with Mrs Helen Smith, SCC Flooding and Water Management Officer, plus 3 others in the team and 2 Councillors and 1 District Councillor. Thorough inspections made of various locations where flooding had occurred, and the condition of the leat/stream, culverts, etc.
Letter to be sent to Mrs. Smith from the Chairman to thank her and her team for attending and to clarify what the Community can do to help
35/2021 PLANNING
- App 21/01234/S73A Land adjoining Three Corners, Stoopers Hill. Amended plans with balcony now removed, and a slightly larger basement. No objections – 7 support, and 2 apposed.
36/2021 THE LAWNS
Details of various zip-wire prices and pavilion shelter circulated, and climbing frame type equipment suggested. Article to be placed in the Cloverleaf magazine asking for suggestions to improve the type of equipment. Due to the new Unitary Authority scheme, grants may have a time scale. SSDC to be contacted re this, and amount that possibly can be forthcoming.
- Permission sought to erect a board showing the current total of monies raised towards `Save the dragon`
38/2021 HIGHWAYS
- a) A new highways sign has been installed at the northern end of Woolhayes Lane – `warning of `gates`
- b) The signpost on the Foxdon Hill end of public footpath CH5/25 is missing – contact R.O.W Dept.
- c) The condition of the road surface at the bottom area of Stantway to be reported to Highways.
39/2021 FINANCE
The following payments were approved.
Mrs A. Hunt (postage/broadband costs) £30.00
Play Inspection Co. (annual insp. The Lawns/Underway Meade) £144.00
Information Commissioner’s Office (GDPR/Data Protection renewal) £40.00