
Minutes of PC Meting 24/10/2022

Minutes Uploaded on November 24, 2022

Public time –


Held in the Village Hall on Monday 24th October 2022 at 7.30pm


PARISH COUNCILLORS        Mr. Ed Cockburn, Chairman

Rev. Deborah Perreau, Mrs Cressida Govier-Drake, Mrs. Di Hine, Miss Sue Pargeter.

 Mrs Louise Simmons,

Dr. Colin Ryall, Messrs.  Ian Croucher, Ian Stonex, Ian Whitehead,

   Also   Mrs. Jenny Kenton and Mr. Martin Wale (District Councillors) and 2 members of the public.

 Mrs. Anne Hunt – Clerk,

Apologies – Mr John Gilbert,


52/2022                 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST



Jenny Kenton (District Co.) recent updating of computer communication/website to new Authority did not go quite as well as hoped – email contacts may have changed.  Highways winter services being arranged, 23 gritters and 900,000 miles of road. Asking for help from farmers when necessary.  Warm Hubs centres for this winter if necessary – funds to be given by SSDC before 31/3/2023.

Ed. C – support available up to £1000 for community premises – apply via David Crispfield, SSDC.


Martin Wale (District Co.) Attended the latest LGN meeting (Local Govt. Network) Val Keitch is running the local LGN but no statutory ideas –responsibility for planning and licensing not been decided yet.  Planning section still discussing the phosphates problem but are aiming towards plans for a formula.  Area West was supposed to have a report about the relief road for Chard (A358) but still being renegotiated and they will pass it over next year to the new Council.  A new Local Plan will also have to be forthcoming.  The regeneration scheme in Chard has more-or-less done all it can.  The steep pavement on north side in front of shops will be removed.

Di. H – Farmers do not usually have snow ploughs so can only give limited assistance.


54/2022                 MINUTES

The Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 26th September 2022 were approved as a true record and signed


55/2022                 UPDATE FOLLOWING FLOODING EVENT OF 2021

Owners of Pudleigh Mill is carrying out considerable amount of works, with advice from Roy Hayes, of FWAG to build a lagoon to assist with excess water storage.

Consent now received to commence work on the leat/stream at Burnside, Court Mill Lane from SCC (Flooding Dept.)

An application has been put in for some funds for flooding equipment.


56/2022                 COMMUNITY RESILIENCE PLAN

 Rob Grimmond gave information about items to be discussed at the public meeting taking place on Monday 7th November as part of the Plan to engage the Community to help ourselves when/if an emergency arises, e.g., heavy snowfall, flooding etc.  Identify resources and help we have in the

community – 4x4s, nurses. Skills, equipment, etc. Quite a big exercise to get everything together, and make the public aware of what we are trying to do.   Various locations that could be opened in a emergency and what equipment would be required.  Some funds available from SCC/ SSDC

Emma Giffard of Somerset Prepared/Flooding dept will also be attending and will be talking about Riparian responsibilities and land owners’ responsibilities.    After discussion it was agreed to provide cheese and wine, plus teas if required.

Provision of sandbags was discussed re different types and possible filling.

Warm Hubs – where residents could meet if funds to heat own home not sufficient in view of current high living costs.   Jacket potatoes, soup, etc. could be provided – Village Hall, Methodist Church?  Grant available.


57/2022                 PLANNING

  • Re Enforcement Planning. SSDC Enforcement Officer has reported that the owners at Whiteway have been given notice that a retrospective planning application will be required.  As no reply has been received, further contact to be made to the Enforcement Officer to ascertain exactly which items will need planning.


58/2022                 THE LAWNS

Following a meeting of some Councillors at The Lawns, it was queried whether the wooden surround serves any purpose to actually keep the safer surfacing in position, as these tiles are actually stuck down.

After discussion it was decided to just remove the old wood left, but not replace it.   A check list of points to be given to Councillors Di Hine and Louise Simmons who will visually check the equipment each month.

Quote received and accepted to trim the beech tree in accordance with the tree inspection report received recently.


59/2022                HIGHWAYS

 The Speed Indicator Devices (SIDs) have been delivered and Councillors Ian Croucher, Ed Cockburn and Ian Whitehead will be installing them shortly.

Work has been carried out recently clearing drainage pipes around the village centre, and some work has been identified as needing repair by Highways Dept.

Loose manhole cover reported at the bottom of Rackstile.


60/2022                 COMBE WOOD REC.FIELD

Quote received and agreed to trim the hedges


61/2022                 COMMUNITY MINI-BUS

To obtain the licence and run the scheme as a Community project the Parish Council would need to be the figurehead. The hiring costs/donations would hopefully generate enough funds to cover the insurance of £700-£800 pa.   Bookings to be made via forms on the Parish website.  Voluntary drivers have already come forward.  A local garage has offered to do any repairs, etc. Councillor Ian Croucher will contact South Petherton Parish Council who run a similar scheme.   Agenda – next meeting


62/2022                 FINANCE

 The following payments were approved and will be paid via Internet Banking/Cheque


£45.97 Mrs A. Hunt (computer ink/broadband. costs)

£293.20 Mrs A. Hunt (salary Oct. 2022 less tax)

£18.00 Village Hall (October meeting)

£100.00 Royal British Legion (Poppy Appeal)

£5,400.00 Elan City (Speed Indicator Devices)

£21.98 Ian Croucher (repay cost of clips, fixings, etc. for SIDs)

£280.68 AED Locator (EU) Ltd. (defibrillator pads)

£400.00 Luke Spencer (Beech tree trimming works)


63/2022                 GENERAL MATTERS –

  1. Boundary Hedge of site of Three Corners on Church Path needs trimming
  2. Speed Watch Volunteers possibly forming a new group in Wadeford.
  3. First Responders (volunteer help group to Ambulance service) have to pay own petrol costs, etc– Quiz night on 20th Nov at The Haymaker to raise funds to help cover these.
Combe St. Nicholas Parish Council