Public time –Lorna Davis gave a short presentation about the possible offer of a mini-bus for community use. Seats 11 + 1 driver. No special requirements. MOT until June 2023, value £6000, ex care home use. Current owner will transfer it on permanent loan to the community via the Parish Council. Not for private organisations. Running expenses paid for each use by recreational groups, etc.- they would need provide own driver Some people have offered to volunteer if driver required. Section 19 permit available through Govt. website for 5 years (any driver) Admin could be via CSN Parish website Various rates if necessary, depending on who and where going, + pence per mile costs. E.g., If alcohol/pub visit). Pay deposit up front. Important to have PC support so Community can get cheaper insurance, etc. Each hire would start with a full tank of fuel and return it with similar. South Petherton have similar scheme Set up costs – insurance £600 per year A local garage may be interested to advertise. Item for next Agenda.
At the start of the meeting a one minutes silence was held to acknowledge the death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II
Held in the Village Hall on Monday 26th September 2022 at 7.30pm
PARISH COUNCILLORS Mr. Ed Cockburn, Chairman
Mrs Cressida Govier-Drake, Mrs Louise Simmons,
Dr. Colin Ryall, Messrs. Ian Croucher, Ian Stonex,
Also Mr. Martin Wale (District Councillor) and 4 members of the public. Mrs. Anne Hunt – Clerk,
Apologies – Mr John Gilbert, Rev. Deborah Perreau, Miss Sue Pargeter, Dr. Colin Ryall,
Mr. Ian Whitehead. Jenny Kenton (District Councillor)
Martin Wale (District Co.) Local Community Networks (LCN) There are 3 options – County split into LCN groups to look after local matters – not planning or licences. Conference on 4th Oct. Each Parish should have a representative on the group – possibly similar to current Area West in size. Planning application re Stantway should be forthcoming. SSDC website is being merged with Somerset County for future works. May be some disruption in meantime.
45/2022 MINUTES
The Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 22nd August 2022 were approved as a true record and signed
46/2022 PLANNING
Re Enforcement Planning to query if planning permission required for current caravan, and 6 storage containers in a field off Whiteway. SSDC Enforcement Officer has reported that the owners have been given notice that a retrospective planning application will be required. Contact to be made to the Enforcement Officer to ascertain exactly which items will need planning
46/2022 Planning (cont’d)
- App.22/02204/LBC Forden, Wadeford Bends. Conversion of 2-storey outbuilding to residential annexe, Alterations to single-storey outbuilding to replace roof and alter fenestration. Following site visit suggestions were made to owner to amend application to move windows higher and replace lower ones.
- App.22/02442 Somerbrook, Nimmer. Single storey extension, porch to side, dormer windows to front and back elevations and replacement garage. No objections, but trees and hedge should be retained.
- Land at Whiteway. Enforcement Officer has reported that the owner has been informed that a retrospective planning is required. Email to Enforcement Officer to ascertain which items do need planning permission.
A public meeting has been arranged for Monday 7th November to discuss the General Emergency Contingency Plan for the Community with special focus on flooding, as well as any other type of emergency that could occur, snow, etc. It was preferred to supply teas and biscuits, rather than cheese and wine.
Various locations that could be opened in a emergency – church, village hall, pubs/football club. Excess or donated food – community fridge? In view of the current large price increases in heating and other cost of living expenses we should look for somewhere to provide a `Warm Hub` with a facility to cook if necessary. Add to next agenda.
48/2022 THE LAWNS
A meeting to be held with Mervyn Powell re replacing wooden edging around the older equipment and improving the safer surfacing.
49/2022 HIGHWAYS
As the visibility is very limited when accessing the junction between Stoopers Hill and Lucas Lane (Higher Alterhay) a mirror has been suggested. More details being obtained. Hedges on either side of the junction need trimming back too – ongoing.
The Speed Indicator Devices have been ordered and should be delivered shortly. The `Save the Dragon` committee have agreed to donate some of their funds (pub now purchased independently) towards this project.
50/2022 HIGHWAYS
Meeting held at Cuttifords Door with Highways Supt. Various problems will be resolved such as verge edges, repainting white/yellow lines, etc.
Public footpaths – An extra strimmer has been purchased for clearance work. Resolved to repay cost of £40.
The hedges need trimming – Clerk to arrange.
It was resolved to cover the shortfall in expenses of producing the Community Cloverleaf Magazine, due to current higher costs
53/2022 FINANCE
The following payments were approved and will be paid via Internet Banking.
£30.00. Mrs A. Hunt (postage/broadband. costs)
£293.20. Mrs A. Hunt (salary Sept. 2022 less tax)
£18.00. Village Hall (September meeting)
£40.00. Dr. W. Freeston (repay strimmer cost)
£156.00. Pi Inspections (annual equipment check The Lawns/Underway Meade)
£380.93. S.A.L.C. (Som. Of Local Councils, annual sub)
£50.00. S.A.L.C. (Councillors training x 2)
£270.00. Cloverleaf Magazine