Public time –
Held in the Village Hall on Monday 25th July 2022 at 7.30pm
PARISH COUNCILLORS Mr Ed. Cockburn – Vice-Chair
Miss Sue Pargeter, Rev. Deborah Perreau, Mrs.Di Hine, Mrs Cressida Govier-Drake,
Mrs Louise Simmons,
Messrs. Ian Croucher, Ian Stonex, Ian Whitehead
Also, Anne Hunt – Clerk, Mrs. Jenny Kenton and Martin Wale (District Councillors) and 2 members of the public.
Apologies – Mr. John Gilbert, Dr. Colin Ryall
Martin Wale (District Co.) Latest up-date re possible ownership of Combe Wood Rec. Field, currently rented by this Parish Council, via Transfer of Assets – SCC happy for it to remain in the hands of the Parish Council at the moment, and they will review the situation after May 2023 when the new Unitary Authority takes over.
Last week both MW and JK met with residents from the Court Mill Lane area of Wadeford to see the effects of the flooding that occurred in June 2021. The Section 19 document has now been printed, and will liaise with Councillor Rev. Deborah Perreau and request a check on the culverts under the main road, Court Mill Lane and Pudleigh with Highways.
The District Council will be arranging the rebate scheme for householders dealing with the energy crisis, if receiving benefits and discretionary funds.
SCC met last week to confirm the new Chief Executive at an annual salary of £190,000. Also, a climate emergency for Somerset was declared and will write to the appropriate Govt. Office which will hopefully lead to positive actions in Somerset. Local Community Networks will be set up in Somerset but details yet to be decided. Trials currently taking place around the County
Jenny Kenton (District Co.) SSDC are currently under-going a pilot scheme re IT, a consultation on the Council Tax scheme to make it one system with harmonious support re ability to pay and Somerset Waste have won an award re Sort It More for the way it is working and the amount being re-cycled. Food waste goes to an anaerobic digester just outside Bridgwater
28/2022 MINUTES
The Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 27h June 2022 were approved as a true record and signed.
29/2022 PLANNING
- App.22/01201 New House Farm, Combe Wood Lane. Demolition of existing garage, redundant chimney and extension, construction of 2-storey extension, cycle/recycling/garden storage shed, replacement double garage and remodelling of existing farmhouse. No objections.
- App 22/01910 Langham House, Langham. Proposed conversion of a former agricultural barn into one unit of residential living accommodation with associated parking. No objections.
- App.22/02024 Land at Galpins Orchard, Cuttifords Door. Outline application with all matters reserved for the erection of two dwellings and associated parking. No objections.
- App.22/01466/S73a Amended plans re Land at New House Farm, Combe Wood Lane. – report following meeting with Agent to ascertain the various new levels for dwellings which are proposed. Various points were made, and further amended plans will probably be forthcoming. Until received, the current amended plans for this application are objected to.
- App.22/01615 Land at Stantway. Partly retrospective for erection of agricultural building. Arrangements were made via the Agent to meet with the landowner on site to ascertain which parts of the building are retrospective, but unfortunately the landowner did not turn up and no decision could be made as date for final consultation then passed.
- Re Enforcement Planning to query if planning permission required for current caravan, and 4 storage containers in a field off Whiteway. No action yet taken by SSDC 2 more containers have now been delivered on site, and loud music being played.
30/2022 THE LAWNS
Some Councillors met the Representative from Proludic Ltd. following a few accidents on the new Sky-rail equipment as it appears to travel too fast. They have checked the measurements and confirm everything is within the manufacturer’s tolerance levels. Some suggestions for amendments have been taken for reference with the manufacturer.
Some quotes are still awaited for replacing the wooden surrounds to the older equipment. Quotes awaited to trim the lower branches/overhand on the large copper beech tree. Paul Maple has repaired the seat by the gate with new bolts and fixed to the ground.
Councillor Rev. Perreau (Flood Co-ordinator) has been contacting residents regarding flooding solutions about phosphates, plus herbal lay which is slowing down any excess water on the way down the well as ponds to hold more water. MW and JK have also been meeting with residents in the Court Mill Lane and Wadeford bends area – each person had water running from different places/sources. They will be inviting Emma Gifford of Somerset Community Prepared re Riparian responsibilities. Rob Grimmond has started getting information about a Critical Community Incident Plan which will attract funding resilience hubs. 2 schemes – one to get funding from Somerset Prepared and one in more detail.
32/2022 HIGHWAYS
It was noticed recently that up to 18 vehicles in one day turned right at the bottom of Underway on to Combe Hill, although there is a No Right Turn sign at this junction. As it may have been due to the road closures at Crimchard a check will be kept on the junction to see if this continues. Also check that the sign is not overgrown.
Pudleigh footpath, (CH5/67) The bridge over the sluice has been completed, but request received for a further hand-rail on it ROW Volunteers to be contacted.
33/2022 FINANCE
The following payments were approved and will be paid via Internet Banking.
£30.00. Mrs A. Hunt (postage/broadband. costs)
£293.20. Mrs. A. Hunt (salary July 2022 less tax)
£18.00. Village Hall (July meeting)
£70.00. Mr. P. Maple (repair of seats on The Lawns)
- Mobile fish and chip van unable to visit the village until later in the year.
- A branch on the Ash tree at the junction of Clayhanger Lane and Court Mill Lane, Willhayne needs to be cut off.