
Minutes of PC Meeting 23/10/23.

Minutes Uploaded on November 22, 2023

 Public time   –


Held in the Village Hall on Monday 23rd October 2023 at 7.30pm

PARISH COUNCILLORS        Mr. Ed Cockburn, Chairman

Rev. Deborah Perreau, Mrs. Cressida Govier-Drake, Mrs Di Hine, Mrs. Louise Simmons

Dr. Colin Ryall, Messrs. Ian Croucher, Ian Stonex, Ian Whitehead,


Also  –  Martin Wale, (County Councillor), Mrs. A. Hunt – Parish Clerk and 2 members of the public.

Apologies – Miss Sue Pargeter, Mr. John Gilbert, Mrs. Jenny Kenton (County Councillor)


57/2023                 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST


58/2023                 COUNTY COUNCILLORS REPORT


County Finances will be short this year and they are trying to avoid a 114 notice where the Govt. would take over.   Renewed plans to get the Govt. grant for the Octagon Theatre in Yeovil improvements, which has already been granted but held over due to possible cancellation of the improvements due to cost.  The Theatre has never made a profit and cost £100,000 to run.  Somerset South area has the biggest number of planning applications outstanding and enforcements, and are short on planning officers.

The planning application referral to Committee for the large Mount Hindrance/Cuttifords Door will be held in December

Affordable housing – Martin was asked whether the Parish Council could have any influence on provision of Affordable Housing as this would affect local schools, shops, etc.  The answer is that any planning application of over 11 houses has to include one-third affordable houses.   A Neighbourhood Plan may have to have been implemented (there is only a Parish Plan for Combe St. Nicholas)

The current Local Plan runs out in 2028 and will have to be renewed.


59/2023                MINUTES


The Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 25th September 2023 were approved as a true record and signed.


60/2023                ALLOTMENTS


The Lease for the Allotments Field between the Landlord Mrs. Purcell and the Parish Council, and then the Parish Council and the Allotments Association will expire on the 31st Dec. 2024, but as a year’s notice has to be given to the Allotment tenants, agreement needs to be made before 31st December 2023.  The Landlords have now confirmed they are happy for the Lease to continue.  The Solicitors will be contacted re drawing up of a new Lease, with possibly `Rolling Lease` for future terms.





The Environment Agency is considering a `water gate` in Wadeford.  It would be fitted between Goblin Hollow and Brookside.  It works with a mobile phone and alerts when water is rising.  Env. Agency will put it in at their cost, as an early warning response, so residents can then put up their flood gates and warn Resilience Group.   Next public meeting re Resilience is on Friday 8th December.



62/2023                 PLANNING


  • No applications received this month


63/2023               HIGHWAYS


  1. Footpaths – Bonds Hill lower end – The new steps have now been built and the Footpath volunteers have arranged to put up a new hand-rail. Payment agreed.********** Public liability to be checked.
  2. A358 – Councillor Ian Croucher is meeting with representatives from National Highways re the consultation proposals for the A358 at Monks Yard, Ilminster.
  3. The certificate for completion of the recent Road Safety Course attended by Councillor Ian Croucher has still not been received – Clerk to chase up
  4. A large puddle near the Sewerage Works on Pudleigh Lane is not clearing. Highways to be informed.



64/2023                 THE LAWNS PLAY AREA/Combe Wood Rec. Field


Following the request for a cricket net, Somerset County to be contacted to see if this is allowable within the terms of the Lease for Combe Wood Rec. Field.  The `need` for the nets is also to be investigated.   It was also mentioned that there is very little provided for 12-18 year olds.

One of the mini football goals on The Lawns has been broken.  Costs to be obtained for 1 slightly larger goal to replace.  These are well used by children.

The soil is dipping in places where the old copper beech stood, near the entrance.  Mervyn Powell, who cuts the grass, to be asked to fill with soil.

The various pieces of equipment that needed re-painting, plus the village notice board and Victorian lamp-post on The Green have now been completed.


65/2023                 VILLAGE HALL


Work to repair the roof has now been completed. Some scaffolding still on site, but will be removed shortly.   Councillor Ian Croucher thanked for all his work.


66/2023                 CLOVERLEAF MAGAZINE


As the Editor of the magazine is retiring after 20 years it was decided to give a garden Voucher plus a bunch of flowers to her on behalf of the Parish as a thank you for all the work she has carried out over the years.   2 residents have come forward and offered to take over running this very useful magazine, printed every 2 months, and circulated to all households in the Parish, free of charge.  Advertisements cover the cost of printing.


67/2023                FINANCE


The half-year balance figures were distributed for information.


The following payments were approved and will be paid via Internet Banking/Cheque


Mrs A. Hunt (broadband + petrol costs to Wincanton Flood Res. meeting)  £40.00

Mrs A. Hunt (repay cost of voucher and flowers re Cloverleaf + ink)          £90.00

Village Hall (October PC mtg)                                                                       £18.00

Craig Richards (repainting seats/slide/notice board/Victorian lamp-post)    £958.00

Mrs. Govier-Drake (repay wine costs for Resilience meeting)                      £129.00


68/2023                 GENERAL MATTERS  


  1. Councillor Govier-Drake has been approached and is willing to accept the post of School Governor at Combe School.
Combe St. Nicholas Parish Council