Held in the Village Hall on Monday 22nd November 2021 at 7.30pm
PARISH COUNCILLORS Mr Tony Sauer – Vice-Chairman
Miss Sue Pargeter, Mrs.Di Hine, Rev. Deborah Perreau (Via Zoom)
Messrs. Ed Cockburn, Ian Croucher, Dr. Colin Ryall, Ian Stonex, Ian Whitehead
Also, Jenny Kenton, Martin Wale (District Councillors), Anne Hunt – Clerk, (via Zoom)
Apologies – Councillor John Gilbert, Amanda Broom (County Councillor)
Amanda Broom (County Co.) –Report circulated via email
Jenny Kenton/Martin Wale (District Co.) –The developers of Blackdown Heights are producing signs to stop lorries using the Cuttifords Door road It is flood action week and information can be found on the District Council website which also shows other sites of interest. `Get digital` workshop plus free support on 2nd December Latest carbon calculations shows SSDC lower than target reduction.
MW – No definite information yet re new boundaries/elections/future schemes for Parishes to possibly take on extra responsibilities. It may be a `top-up` of services already provided i.e., gully emptying/clearance and some may come with extra funding.
MW has been asked for information as to who in the Council can give help re Riparian remit and help and advice on the best course of action that can be taken. Environmental Agency/Somerset Rivers Authority have not replied yet, as to practical information to find out who can carry out the work re clearing the river, and funds to carry it out.
59/2021 MINUTES
The Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 25rd October 2021 were approved as a true record after correction that Mrs. D. Hine gave apologies, and signed.
Public Footpath Pudleigh Mill – Court Mill Lane (CH5/67) Although this footpath is currently closed due to work needed following the floods, pedestrians are still walking along it and using private gardens at the Court Mill Lane end to get out (flood gates/bridge damaged). Further signs requested from R.O.W. Dept at SCC. and also, information as to when work will be carried out.
Nimmer – Highways/bridge group carried out clearing of under-road pipes near the ford area. Very few snipes from Nimmer Lane into the ditch on the east side but ditch is clear. Query raised re the flow under Nimmer Mill using water from the millstream – allowable or not? If the `catch pool` is opened up and sluiced through it may flush the tunnel out.
Flood wardens – Some Parishes have these, and if known we can contact to get information of how to proceed. Needed to monitor ditches and highway drains and pass on information. Everyone urged to investigate any known groups so the matter can be discussed at the next meeting in order that future plans can be made with a community plan.
61/2021 PLANNING
- App.21/03494 Land at Clayhanger Barn, to the south of Clayhanger Lane. Clayhanger. Historic barn replication with extension to form a new 4-bed dwelling. No objections.
62/2021 THE LAWNS
The application for a grant of £12500 from SSDC has been refused, due to too much credit in the Parish Council accounts. There are sufficient funds to pay the full amount for the suggested new equipment. Precept figures were originally to be given out at this Parish Council meeting, but now will be circulated., and Councillors views given back to the Clerk by email. Proludic play installations will give a quote for supplying and installation a `wet-pour` safer surfacing around the current slide to replace the safer surfacing tiles which are loose.
The copper beech tree needs the lower branches trimmed and a health check carried out. To date no replies received from the Companies contacted. More to be contacted.
64/2021 HIGHWAYS
Final proposals from 13 Parish Councils (including Combe St. Nicholas) along the length of, and nearby, the A358 sent in to the Highways Agency re their dualling scheme.
65/2021 FINANCE
- a) Precept figures for the year 4/2022 – 3/2023 circulated. Final decision to be made at January PC meeting.
- b) The donation towards the upkeep of the churchyard was discussed (section S137) and it was resolved to donate £1000 towards the total cost of £1942
- c) It was resolved to donate (section S137) of £150 to Combe St. Nicholas Methodist Church for the upkeep of their grounds.
It was resolved that it is in order to pay any expenses in need of paying before the January meeting after consultation with the Chairman, including the expenses, fuel and lunch for the Footpath Volunteers, and the Allotments Rent.
The following payments were approved.
Mrs A. Hunt (postage/broadband costs) £30.00
Powell & Sons (grass cutting Lawns/Green + visibility Stoopers Hill £2,184.00
Combe St. Nicholas C.E.V.A. School (Grass cutting Combe Wood Field 2021) £457.04
Combe St. Nicholas P.C.C. (Upkeep of churchyard) section 137 £1,000.00
Combe St. Nicholas Methodist Church (Upkeep of churchyard, section 137). £150.00
- Clerk has received notification about her S.C.C. award for` contribution to the community` which will be given out on 26th
- All Councillors were wished a Happy Christmas and New Year.