Public time –
Held in the Village Hall on Monday 25th September 2023 at 7.30pm
PARISH COUNCILLORS Mr. Ed Cockburn, Chairman
Rev. Deborah Perreau, Mrs Di Hine, Miss Sue Pargeter, Mrs. Louise Simmons
Dr. Colin Ryall, Messrs. Ian Croucher John Gilbert Ian Stonex, Ian Whitehead,
Also: Martin Wale, (County Councillor), Mrs. A. Hunt – Parish Clerk and 2 members of the public.
Apologies – Mrs. Cressida Govier-Drake, Mrs. Jenny Kenton (County Councillor)
County Finances will be short this year by £28.6 million and they will have to draw out of reserves. Unless something is done within the next 2 years Somerset could be similar to a few other Counties and be declared bankrupt, although this is unlikely. The position is due to redundancy payments due to incorporating all the past District Councils, plus current fuel, cost of living rises. Residents encouraged to get flu and covid Autumn booster vaccinations if eligible. The Govt. ban on single use plastics comes into force very shortly. Kerb-side collection of Soft plastics has been successful in the E. Somerset area and will be carried out county-wide shortly.
47/2023 MINUTES
The Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 24th August 2023 were approved as a true record and signed
The Lease for the Allotments Field between the Landlord Mrs. Purcell and the Parish Council, and then the Parish Council and the Allotments Association will expire on the 31st Dec. 2024, but as a year’s notice has to be given to the Allotment tenants, agreement needs to be made before 31st December 2023. The Landlord will confirm shortly that the current arrangement can carry on. A rolling Lease will be arranged for the future.
A public meeting was held last year – that meeting went well with various residents signing up to help in many guises. A small committee was set up and now have a draft Resilience Plan nearly ready to inform the residents at another public meeting on 8th December, as well as one for those volunteers on 2nd October. It was resolved to allow a budget of £120 to be split between the 2 meetings to for cheese and wine, etc. On the 5th October Rob Grimmond and Anne Hunt (Clerk) will attend another `Somerset Prepared` meeting in Wincanton
The works at Pudleigh Mill for flood alleviation and repair of the culvert is costing the owner a large amount of money. Grants are being applied for to help. A carp farm is starting up on the site of the old trout farm. Rob Grimmond was thanked for all his work.
50/2023 PLANNING
- App.18/04057 Land east of Mount Hindrance Farm, Cuttifords Door Outline application for mixed development of up to 295 dwellings, provision of floodlit full size football pitch, training pitch and community sports pitch with assoc. multi-use clubhouse + spectator facilities and vehicular parking areas; hub for local neighbourhood facilities and other community uses. Public open space, landscaping, drainage and other facilities. Associated vehicular and pedestrian accesses, land regrading, assoc. infrastructure and engineering works.
The comments made at the original application meeting in 2013 were still relevant, plus the problem of heavier storms leading to more flooding problems. The attenuation ponds shown could soon overflow. The application has been held in abeyance due to the phosphates problem, but now up for renewal as a scheme to offset this has been arranged. Since the new designation of this village in the Local Plan it is classed in the category to have up to 300 new dwellings. With this number of dwellings proposed, 33% must be` affordable`
Lack of medical provisions in Chard, as well as schools already full, would have to be the responsibility of Somerset Council. There will be extra Highway issues on the Cuttifords Door road, and through Combe and Wadeford where there are pinch points. Other points against the application – Loss of open fields, floodlight pollution, nearby ANOB, detraction from the Chard Eastern perimeter road with associated facilities. 6 Councillors voted against, 4 in favour and 1 abstention.
- Proposed site for slurry lagoon on Greenway Lane. Information received that land previously rented around the Chilworthy area is now not available, leaving only the field containing the proposed lagoon for spreading slurry. Planning Dept. to be advised.
- Enforcement Update – Whiteway Following email to Planning Dept. the reply is that the Enforcement Officer who checked this site is no longer in post and another Officer has now been allocated this site.
51/2023 HIGHWAYS
- Footpaths – Bonds Hill lower end –quote received for £280 to create 2 steps to replace surface washed away quotes being obtained to build 2 steps. A further site meeting was held to clarify some points. It was proposed to change the scheme to 3 steps and widen the area.
- Road deeply rutted with mud if turning left from Whiteway into Greenway. Now cleared
- The SID camera is also being re-installed this week
- Councillor Ian Croucher will attend the meeting with the Highways Agency re upgrading A358 Taunton to Southfield
- Some Vehicles parked within the village in places are causing a hazard if emergency vehicles needed to pass. Mention in next Cloverleaf magazine.
52/2023 THE LAWNS PLAY AREA/Combe Wood Field
A request has been received for cricket nets to be erected in Combe Wood Field. Details re size and cost were circulated. A site meeting was held to look at the area and it would probably be necessary to put a concrete type base down. Advertise in Cloverleaf magazine to see how popular this idea would be. Also contact School re possibly putting this asset in the School Field.
The football goals on The Lawns play area need some attention, as 1 piece seems to be damaged/missing.
Work to repair the roof has finished, and scaffolding to be removed shortly.
An amended Standing Order, No.1, clause e, Period of time for each member of the public to make representations, shall not exceed 3) minutes was signed and dated
55/2023 FINANCE
The following payments were approved and will be paid via Internet Banking/Cheque
£30.00. Mrs A. Hunt (broadband)
£275.20. Mrs A. Hunt (salary September less tax)
£18.00. Village Hall (September PC mtg)
£378.00. PKF Littlejohn (External Audit)
£35.00. (direct debit) Information Commissioners Office (Data Protection annual fee)
The current editor of the Cloverleaf Magazine is moving shortly and 2/3 volunteers have come forward to take over.