Public time – Query about planning application for Brimbles, Combe Wood. This application was dealt with in December (no objections)
Held in the Village Hall on Monday 23rd January 2023 at 7.30pm
PARISH COUNCILLORS Mr. John Gilbert, Chairman
Rev. Deborah Perreau, Mrs Di Hine, Miss Sue Pargeter. Mrs. Louise Simmons
Dr. Colin Ryall, Messrs. Ian Croucher, Ian Stonex, Ian Whitehead,
Also Mr. Martin Wale (District Councillors) and 2 members of the public.
Mrs. Anne Hunt – Clerk.
Apologies – Mrs Cressida Govier-Drake, Mr. Ed. Cockburn, Mrs. Jenny Kenton, District Co.
75/2022-23 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST – Councillors Di Hine and John Gilbert re their planning applications. Councillors Sue Pargeter and Ian Croucher re grant for Village Hall
Martin Wale (District Co.) This Parish has been allocated into Community Network area 18, which includes Tatworth, part of Chard and up to the edge of Taunton. Parish Councils, Town Councils, Health Authorities and Police are all included. Early days of commitments. Planning committee still being debated, possibly 1 committee for South Somerset 12-13 Councillors on it with an overarching committee for the major planning applications. Still administrative posts still not filled. Waste services, etc. will probably stay in their current stages.
Council tax rate being set by the new Somerset Council, probably just under 5% for 2 years.
77/2022-23 MINUTES
The Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 28th November 2022 were approved as a true record and signed
A temporary bund to contain slurry was erected in a field on Greenway, but this bund collapsed resulting in all the slurry spilling out and running down the hill through part of Chilworthy and on down towards Donyatt. Drone footage has been taken showing the impact on the surrounding area.
The Environment Agency Inspectors have been to the site, and are making investigations.
A lot of remedial work on ditches and drain covers being carried out in Nimmer, but the drain near `Ambleside` is still completely blocked and nowhere for the water build-up to go. Highways to be informed.
Some `flood bags` have been purchased. Plastic covers that can be filled with gel. Somerset Prepared have given a grant of £1500 if the Parish Council will give £300 towards it. All Councillors agreed to this donation. It can be used to cover the cost of jackets, etc. Shopping list to be discussed at next meeting. Clarity needed re reclaiming VAT of costs.
Councillor Ian Stonex gave a further update relating to all the works being carried out at Burnside, Court Mill Lane, by civil engineers trying to unblock river through garden and culverts.
A complete change of plan will now be carried out. The forecourt of the Coach House will now be taken up with Possible road closure needed when that work is being carried out.
No further information yet known. Bring up again on next agenda.
81/2022-23 PLANNING
- App.22/02817 Land adjoining Three Corners, Stoopers Hill. Erection of new triple detached garages with home office above as ancillary accommodation to the main house , connected walkway Object as building is in the garden area, which has condition 03 which states no building allowed in this area. (see app. 21/01795.)
- App.22/02856 Land OS0080, opposite Brimbles, Combe Wood. Change of use of land from agricultural to equestrian and construction of horse riding arena. No objections
- App.22/03045 Land at Cuttifords Door Orchard. Outline permission for the erection of a detached dwellinghouse and garage with all matters reserved except access. No objections
- App.22/03249 Wadeford Farm, Higher Wadeford Lane. Partial demolition, repair and conversion of existing redundant agricultural buildings into a single dwelling to include off street covered parking. No objections
- App.22/03484 Lower Burnt House Farm. Roofing over livestock yard. No objections
- App.22/03510 New House Farm, Combe Wood Lane. Amended plans re-modelling of existing farmhouse, replacement integral garage, 2-storey extension. Changes of original building, was 1.5 storey but now 2-storey. 5 Councillors – No objections 3 Councillors – against, and 1 abstention.
- App.22/03527 Frog Lane Farm. Outline application with all matters reserved, except for access for erection of new C3 dwelling for agricultural worker. No objections
- App.22/03528 Ham Hill Farm. Erection of manure store. No objections
- App.22/03529 Ham Hill Farm. Erection of manure store and adjoining roof. No objections.
82/2022-23 HIGHWAYS
See minute 29/2022-23 re ditch and drainage works in Nimmer The majority of drains in Frog Lane are blocked.
83/2022-23 MOORMANS
Moormans is a parcel of woodland that has been owned by the Parish Council since 1896, with rent being paid most of the time since then. It is located on the north side of the A303 adjacent to Lower Burnt House Farm. The latest person to rent the land on an agricultural tenancy has recently died. Some more information regarding the site and public footpath that runs through it to be obtained, and then bring up at the next meeting.
84/2022-23 VILLAGE HALL
The roof is in need of major repair. It is the original structure built in 1912, and now leaks in places. No insulation of any kind. While repairs are being carried out the cost of solar panels are also being investigated. The repair and insulation of the roof will cost approximately £12,000 3 quotes will be obtained. Grants are being sought, particularly from the view of the insulation angle. 18 solar panels, which should reduce energy costs by 47% – price not known yet.
It was agreed unanimously that the Parish Council would donate £5000 towards the project
85/2022-23 FINANCE
It was resolved to pay £200 towards the upkeep of the churchyard at the Methodist Church.
The following payments were approved and will be paid via Internet Banking/Cheque
£30.00. Mrs A. Hunt (broadband and postage costs)
£293.00. Mrs A. Hunt (salary Jan. less tax)
£18.00. Village Hall (January. PC mtg)
£200.00. Combe St. Nicholas Methodist Church (Upkeep of the churchyard Section S.137)
Monday 8th May will be an extra Bank Holiday, following the Coronation of King Charles III on 6th May. As the traditional beacon area at the top of Stoopers Hill that has been used for hundreds of years but is now prohibitive, due to regulations from English Heritage, the nearby farmer who owns a field at the top of Stoopers nearby has offered this land for use for the beacon following the coronation. Other events planned so far is a social event in the Village Hall on Sunday evening to watch the national concert with food provided.