
Agenda PC Meeting 30/05/24.

Agendas Uploaded on May 27, 2024

Combe St. Nicholas Parish Council

Clerk – Mrs. A. Hunt                                                                          Alterhay House

Tel: 01460 61296                                                                                Combe St. Nicholas

e-mail;                                            Chard, Somerset. TA20 3LT

 23rd May 2024

The next Parish Council meeting will be held on

Thursday 30th May   In the Village Hall following the ANNUAL PARISH MEETING   AT 7.30pm


County Councillors will also attend, and questions can be asked during Public time at the start



  1. Apologies and Declarations of Interest
  2. County Councillors reports
  3. Election of Chairman and Election of Vice-Chairman.
  4. Minutes – Approve Minutes of meeting held on 22nd April 2024
  5. Planning –
  • 23/02972 Land OS 4029 adj. The Old Farmhouse, Clayhanger Lane, Wadeford. Retention of 6 on-site containers of which 1 contains a toilet, shower, kitchen and sheep pampering unit and 5 to be used for storage units/workshop spaces, 1 above ground portable septic tank, 1 stable, 2 livestock sheds, 1 static caravan for welfare space (all elements retrospective) along with the proposed erection of 1 stable block and 3 sheep sheds in field.  Change of use of Paddock 2 from agricultural to equestrian
  • 24/00699 Pole Rue Farm, Pole Rue Lane. Demolition of existing agricultural dwelling and erection of detached dwelling (to replace approved Class Q Prior Approval for dwelling under 23/2790/PAMB)
  • 24/00864 Cuttifords Door Farm, Cuttifords Door. Removal of existing temporary storage trailers and erection of a steel-framed workshop/store building  (Resubmission of 23/02732)
  • 24/00939 Land at New House Farm, Plot 2, Combe Wood Lane. Change of use of land from agricultural to residential curtilage of Plot 2 of development at New House Farm, and extending the footpath along the front of the site.


6. Highways – Mud in Combe Wood. Puddle in Whiteway   Latest information

7. Flood Mitigation and Community Resilience

8. Allotments – Request to erect slightly larger community shed – for site equipment

9. The Lawns – Work completed to extend the chain-link fencing and clear brambles on SE corner of site

10. Finance – External Audit 2nd July – Approve Accounts Statement Internal Audit – May

Approve payments –

Mrs. A. Hunt (broadband costs). £30.00

Village Hall (May meeting). £18.00

B Powell & Sons (replace chain link fence/clear brambles. £583 + 116.60 vat = £699.60

Gallagher   Insurance  due 1st June 2024. £1,103.86

Netwise (website renewal etc). £330 + 66 vat = £396.00

11. General Matters –

Next scheduled Parish Council meeting – Monday 24th June 2024

Anne Hunt – Parish Clerk

Combe St. Nicholas Parish Council