
Minutes PC Meeting 25/03/24.

Minutes Uploaded on April 17, 2024

Public time   – Correspondence circulated re finances of the Cloverleaf magazine and discussion as to possibly increase advertising costs or add extra pages otherwise Oct/Nov edition may be cancelled. See Minute 106/2023-24




Held in the Village Hall on Monday 25th March 2024 at 7.30pm


PARISH COUNCILLORS        Mr. Ed Cockburn, Chairman

Rev. Deborah Perreau, Mrs. Cressida Govier-Drake, Mrs Di Hine, Miss Sue Pargeter & Mrs. Louise Simmons

Dr. Colin Ryall, Messrs. John Gilbert, Ian Stonex, Ian Whitehead,


Also     Mrs. Jenny Kenton and Mr. Martin Wale (County Councillors), 3 members of the public, -Mrs. A. Hunt – Parish Clerk


Apologies – Mr. Ian Croucher


99/2023-24           DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST – None




62% of the Somerset Council’s budget will be spent on social care for adults and children.  Council tax rebate is now available for certain groups, i.e. low income, etc. and applicants can apply on-line or through Citizens Advice Bureau.  Somerset County have managed to balance the budget using some resources and can sell some assets off.  There will still be a big problem next year, with possibly 1000 redundancies. Very little information available yet as to what services may be handed over to larger town councils, The new Angel sculpture made of knives/blades handed in during the amnesty is touring the area.  Some swimming pools, including Chard, will get some finance from the Govt. grant recently allocated.

The recent news that Sunnymeade Care home in Chard may be closing is being up-dated as a possible provider has been found to continue.

Martin will Investigate as to why planning applications are still taking so long before decision made.


101/2023-24        MINUTES


The Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 26th February 2024 were approved as a true record and signed


102/2023-24         HIGHWAYS


A resident has offered to check the all the drains, with the help from some other volunteers, to list whether blocked, clear, etc. etc.  and even find some that are completely overgrown, (metal detector?)  and keep a list for action.  Maps have been supplied from Highways Dept.  In Whiteway the very large puddle near Ridge Cottage should drain away but no drains nearby or ditches.  A grip (small channel through the verge) would be the usual way to alleviate any build up in future.   Some members of the Parish Resilience group are also checking some areas

Buckland St. Mary Parish did something similar last year and employed a local farmer to clear.




The Local Resilience Plan should be ready shortly


104/2023-24         PLANNING


  • App. 23/02945 Grovelands, Clayhanger Lane. Amended plans for Reconstruction of annexe and garage. No objections


105/2023-24         COMBE WOOD REC. FIELD


Letter received from Somerset County confirming a 5-year lease.  Contact to be made again re possible purchase of the field


106/2023-34         THE LAWNS PLAY AREA


Following a request from a neighbour by The Lawns re front section of hedge, a site meeting was held and it was resolved to remove the remaining chain-link fencing, clear the brambles and replace a longer length of chain-link fence and angle irons.  Quote received for £583 + vat   Approved unanimously

Quarterly inspection report received and circulated.


107/2023-24         FINANCE


  1. Following request for financial assistance towards the costs of printing copies of the Cloverleaf Magazine – after receiving all the advertising fees it was resolved to grant £500 for this year.
  2. Annual Risk Assessment/Internal Audit – report circulated and agreed.


The following payments were approved and will be paid via Internet Banking

Mrs A. Hunt (broadband costs)                                                         £30.00

Village Hall (March PC mtg)                                                              £18.00

Somerset County (Quarterly playground inspections)                 £117.20

      Cloverleaf Magazine                                                                       £500.00


108/2023-24         GENERAL MATTERS  


  1. The footpath CH7/42 from Whiteway to Clayhanger is very narrow in places due to the side barrier fencing. Letter to owners to make them aware of the width regulation of at least 1 metre.
  2. New species of bird noticed in the Parish at Pudleigh – Cetti’s Warbler
Combe St. Nicholas Parish Council