
Minutes of PC Meeting 22/04/24.

Minutes Uploaded on May 27, 2024

Public time   –



Held in the Village Hall on Monday 22nd April 2024 at 7.30pm


PARISH COUNCILLORS        Mr. Ed Cockburn, Chairman

 Mrs Di Hine, Miss Sue Pargeter,

Dr. Colin Ryall, Messrs. Ian Croucher, Ian Stonex, Ian Whitehead,

Also, Mrs. Jenny Kenton (County Councillors), 3 members of the public, -Mrs. A. Hunt – Parish Clerk

Apologies – Rev. Deborah Perreau, Mrs. Cressida Govier-Drake, Mrs. Louise Simmons and Mr. Martin Wale (County Councillor)


109/2023-24         DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST – None




Protestors have sprayed paint on County Hall in protest about a Company at Aztec West supplying goods to Israel during Palestinian/Israel (high cost to remove). Unfounded.  Ukrainian refugees are still being supported.  Certain building investments are being sold off, due to current financial state of County finance.  £900,000 is being spent on updating Chard Police station, but paid for by Police.


111/2023-24         MINUTES


The Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 25th March 2024 were approved as a true record and signed


112/2023-24         HIGHWAYS


  1. Combe Wood Road – Many heavy haulage lorries are currently using the lane in relation to building a menage on nearby land, planning permission granted, but many nearby residents concerned about the resulting mud on the lane.


  1. b) A resident has offered to check the all the drains, with the help from some other volunteers, to list whether blocked, clear, etc. etc. and even find some that are completely overgrown, (metal detector?) and keep a list for action.  Maps have been supplied from Highways Dept.  Some members of the Parish Resilience group are also checking some areas


  1. c) In Whiteway the very large puddle near Ridge Cottage should drain away but no drains nearby or ditches. A grip (small channel through the verge) would be the usual way to alleviate any build up in future.  A suggestion was made to the owners of the field below for a soakaway, to stop the hedge roots being damaged and this may be considered.                             


  1. d) Public footpath CH7/42 is passable with care as large fencing panels are vulnerable in high winds – to be monitored.




The Local Resilience Plan should be ready shortly


114/2023-24         PLANNING


No planning applications received this month.


115/2023-24         COMBE WOOD REC. FIELD


Following Letter received from Somerset County confirming a 5-year lease – no answer yet to query to extend or purchase.


116/2023-24         ALLOTMENTS


A request from the Allotments Association to erect a larger shed on the site to house the mower and some other equipment, and maybe also tea/coffee facilities.  No objections in principle.   The current agreement only allows sheds no larger than 6` x 4`.  Definite size required before contacting Site owners re Lease alteration.  There is currently a metal shed in Underway Meade to be looked at re size, base and price.


117/2023-24         THE LAWNS PLAY AREA


The annual inspection of the play equipment booked with RoSPA to take place in June/July.  Also to cover Underway Meade.




The next LCN meeting is at Chard Guildhall on the 1st May, also on Zoom.  No Councillor able to attend.


119/2023-24         FINANCE


External Audit – 2nd July.   Internal Auditor will check all papers 9th May

Annual Governance Statement – approved, completed and signed by Chairman and Clerk.


The following payments were approved and will be paid via Internet Banking


Mrs A. Hunt (broadband costs). £30.00

Village Hall (April PC mtg). £18.00

M & D Hine (hedge cutting Combe Wood Rec, Field). £180.00


120/2023-24         GENERAL MATTERS  


Annual Parish Meeting – to be held at 7.30 on 30th May before normal Parish Council meeting.

Combe St. Nicholas Parish Council