
Minutes of PC Meeting 22/05/2023.

Minutes Uploaded on June 21, 2023

Public time


Held in the Village Hall on Monday 22nd May 2023 at 7.50pm

PARISH COUNCILLORS        Mr. Ed Cockburn, Chairman following Item 1

Rev. Deborah Perreau, Mrs Di Hine, Miss Sue Pargeter. Mrs. Louise Simmons

Dr. Colin Ryall, Messrs. Ian Croucher, John Gilbert, Ian Stonex, Ian Whitehead,

Also     1 member of the public.    Mrs. Anne Hunt – Clerk, Martin Wale (County Councillor)

Apologies – Mrs. Cressida Govier-Drake, Mrs. Jenny Kenton (County Councillor)


1/2023                   ELECTION OF CHAIRMAN


Current Chairman – John Gilbert – wished to stand down as Chairman.  Ed Cockburn was proposed by Councillor Croucher, seconded by Councillor Ryall, and following agreement to take on the role Ed Cockburn was elected unanimously


2/2023                   ELECTION OF VICE-CHAIRMAN


John Gilbert was proposed by Councillor Pargeter, seconded by Councillor Perreau, and elected unanimously.

Councillor Gilbert was thanked for carrying out a very good job as Chairman.


3/2023                   DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST


4/2023                   COUNTY COUNCILLORS REPORT


Martin reported that the £2 maximum bus fare will continue on Somerset Buses until October, to encourage more people to use the buses.   Somerset County support `No Mow May` and verges will not be yet.   The first Planning application to be decided at the new Somerset South committee was for an application in this Parish at Cuttifords Door.  It was passed for approval.   Martin will investigate a query that the older planning applications do not now show on the website.


5/2023                   MINUTES


The Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 24th April 2023 were approved as a true record and signed




An informal meeting will be held on 23rd May for those personally involved with flooding to exchange critical information, regarding insurance or other problems, etc.    David Welch from Rotary Somerset

Is also attending – they supplied the flood control bags recently.


6/2023                   PLANNING

  • App.23/01147 Combe Dingle Farm, Street Ash. Certificate of Lawful Use or Development for existing use of an agricultural building for commercial storage (B8 use) of equipment and materials used in the installation and maintenance of green roofs.   No objections


6/2023   Cont’d    PLANNING

  • App.23/03725 Land at Frys Cottage, Cuttifords Door. Erection of new dwellinghouse. This application/decision will be discussed at the Planning Committee at Yeovil on 23rd May (Passed)
  • App.23/01019/S73 Salwood, Combe Wood Lane. S73 app. to vary condition 2 to allow a change in the building footprint, increase in both height and depth of the building and change to vehicular access relating to approved plans (23/00405) re double garage, new vehicular access, driveway, existing drive hardstanding to revert to garden, extend hedge to infill existing vehicular access, incl. pedestrian gate. (No objections)



7/2023                  HIGHWAYS


  1. Court Mill Lane – Date unknown yet re jettying for drainage work needed as drains still overflowing  Contact local Company to ascertain whether they are qualified to carry out such work.
  2. Visibility splays at some road junctions needed to be cut.
  3. There are no drains in parts of Whiteway (passed Whiteway Farm) – large puddle develops near Ridge Cottage following heavy rain, but no means of draining.

Highways have cleared drains in Nimmer Mead Lane but new drain cover ordered to replace.


8/2023                   MOORMANS


Following advice received from GTH, Agricultural Office, – a Surrender Agreement was signed by current tenant’s representative and the Parish Clerk.  This can now be followed by a 3-year Farm Business Tenancy Agreement with any new tenant at £150 p.a..  Agreed unanimously to use this route.  As there is a public footpath (CH7/39) through this area, information also to be obtained from SALC re any insurance requirements.


9/2023                   FINANCE


External Audit date – 3rd July 2023.  Annual Governance Statement – agreed, completed and signed by Chairman and Clerk


10/2023                 FINANCE


External Audit – Financial Statement End of year figures circulated and figures agreed, form completed and signed by Chairman and Clerk, plus the account’s books.  Internal Audit in June.

The following payments were approved and will be paid via Internet Banking/Cheque


£30.00 A. Hunt (broadband and paper costs)

£277.60 A. Hunt (salary May less tax)

£18.00 Hall (April PC mtg)

£67.66. A. Hunt (repay for paint for telephone box + shipping)

£396.00. UK (Annual web maintenance)

£60.00. Taylor Hunt (Moormans Surrender document)

£200.00. Somerset (donation re flood bags)

£978.79. (Annual insurance due 1/6/2023


12/023                   GENERAL MATTERS  

Bonds Hill footpath to Court Mill Lane.  Part has washed away making stones dangerous and slippery.

Meeting to be held 25th May to discuss repair.


Combe St. Nicholas Parish Council