Public time – See Minute 92/2022-23Planning for Barn on Clayhanger Lane – amended plans
Held in the Village Hall on Monday 27th February 2023 at 7.30pm
PARISH COUNCILLORS Mr. John Gilbert, Chairman
Rev. Deborah Perreau, Mrs. Cressida Govier-Drake. Mrs Di Hine, Miss Sue Pargeter.
Mrs. Louise Simmons with Dr. Colin Ryall, Messrs. Ed Cockburn, Ian Croucher, Ian Stonex, Ian Whitehead.
Also 1 member of the public. Mrs. Anne Hunt – Clerk. Apologies –Mrs. Jenny Kenton, District Co.
Report received from Jenny Kenton – circulated to Parish Councillors
89/2022-23 MINUTES
The Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 23rd January 2023 were approved as a true record and signed
Some of the new flood bags that were collected from Rotary Somerset have been given out in Court Mill Lane and Nimmer. Still some boxes left (25 bags om each box). When filling the bags do not inhale the chemicals and wearing of a face mask is advised. These bags are made of plastic and can be re-used. Filling can be emptied down the drain. More powder can be supplied if necessary.
The bags were supplied free of charge, but it was proposed and resolved unanimously to donate £200 to Rotary Somerset to help cover their increased costs of storage, etc. They will also give a talk if wanted.
A shopping list will be prepared for the next meeting in order that the grant given by Somerset Prepared can be used. Vat to be reclaimed and kept by the Parish Council.
A Resilience meeting is being held on Tuesday evening to discuss the next phase.
No further information yet known. This subject to be left in abeyance for the current time.
92/2022-23 PLANNING
- App.23/00318 Somerbrook, Nimmer. To amend Condition 2 of approved plans (22/02442) to allow change to the location and roof of the garage, and for erection of single storey rear extension, porch to side elevation, dormer windows to front and rear elevations and replacement garage. After discussion re design, etc. 9 Councillors had no objections, 2 opposed.
- App.23/00333 Combe Dingle Farm, Street Ash. Proposed discharge of planning obligation (section 52 agreement) of approval 78/0165 – namely that no part of the holding will be disposed of separately from the remainder of the holding. No objections.
- App.23/00348 Ham Farm Barns, Ham Farm Lane. Ham. Prior notification of proposed demolition of Building B – masonry block walls and corrugated metal sheeted roof covering. No observations
- App.23/00405 Salwood, Combe Wood Lane. Double garage in the frontage with new vehicular access and driveway, existing drive hardstanding to revert to garden (soft landscaping) extend hedge to infill existing vehicular access, incorporating pedestrian access gate. After discussion 9 Councillors had no objections, 2 abstentions
- App.23/00256 Land adjacent Pear Tree, Wadeford Hill. Erection of dwelling and detached garage (pursuant to lapsed outline consent 18/00746 Discussions about drainage and waste disposal. Site meeting to be held to understand the size of the site, and configuration of buildings, etc. Clerk to arrange.
- 21/03494 Land at Clayhanger Barn to south of Clayhanger Lane. Amended plans showing revised design. No objections
93/2022-23 HIGHWAYS
- a) It was agreed to set up the solar power unit to the Speed Indicator Device to save having to take it off the pole to re-charge it. The Wadeford SID should be erected shortly.
- b) The leaking drains in Court Mill Lane will be repaired after April as Highways have no budget until then.
- c) The sink hole in the Pretty Oak Main, near Belcombe Drove status – as in b) above
- d) Blocked drain on lane above the Sewerage Works
- e) Sign needed at top of Stantway to stop heavy vehicles – lane unsuitable.
94/2022-23 MOORMANS
More enquiries needed – next meeting
95/2022-23 VILLAGE HALL
Grant details/forms nearly ready to be sent in. Following an article raised on Facebook a donation of £1000 has been received towards the cost of the roof repair.
It was agreed unanimously that the Parish Council would donate £5000 towards the project
96/2022-23 FINANCE
The following payments were approved and will be paid via Internet Banking/Cheque
£ 30.00. Mrs A. Hunt (broadband and postage costs)
£293.00. Mrs A. Hunt (salary Feb. less tax)
£18.00. Village Hall (January. PC mtg)
£127.20. S.S.D.C. (Quarterly play inspections)
- Coronation of King Charles III on 6th The new beacon site at the top of Stoopers Hill will be A casual event.
- A social event in the Village Hall on Sunday evening to watch the national concert – own drinks. No other events arranged to date.
- Playground at The Lawns visually checked. Zip-wire need slight attention – rusting around bolt hole. Slat on one seat needs fixing.
- Possibly dangerous tree in Court Mill Lane needs some attention
- Car possibly abandoned in lay-by in Wadeford
- Next Agenda item – request for possible monetary help towards the Lego Club, currently held monthly at Methodist Church