
Minutes of PC Meeting 25/06/23.

Minutes Uploaded on July 20, 2023

Public time Discussion held with resident from Chardleigh Green re siting of Speed Indicator Device in relation to his property


Held in the Village Hall on Monday 25th June 2023 at 7.50pm

PARISH COUNCILLORS Mr. Ed Cockburn, Chairman
Rev. Deborah Perreau, Mrs. Cressida Govier-Drake, Mrs Di Hine, Mrs. Louise Simmons
Dr. Colin Ryall, Messrs. Ian Croucher, John Gilbert, Ian Stonex, Ian Whitehead,

Also 3 members of the public. Mrs. Anne Hunt – Clerk,
Jenny Kenton and Martin Wale (County Councillors)
Apologies – Miss Sue Pargeter

13/2023 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST – Councillor Cockburn declared a personal interest re Planning Application 23/01270


Martin reported that new Speed Watch Volunteers have nearly finished their training, and should get their equipment and start very shortly at Chardleigh Green. Each Parish is urged to have a representative for the Local Community Network (LCN) meetings. The next one is on 17th July at Otterford Village Hall at 7pm, to bring information about problematic areas for discussion with other Agencies and stake-holders. Funding still undecided.
The 1st Somerset South planning committee held. One case (at Cuttifords Door) for this Parish discussed and permission granted.
Query raised about advice re what plastics can be recycled and to raise awareness for the public.

Jenny is concerned about funds for Adult Concessionary Care throughout the county, as needs now are more complex, and more funding needed. Lack of verge cutting in May has led to visibility problems at some junctions. The residents of Court Mill Lane have paid a farmer to clear along the bank of the river. The `gully-guzzlers` have cleared a lot of drains in Wadeford

15/2023 MINUTES

The Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 22nd May 2023 were approved as a true record and signed


An informal meeting was held on 23rd May for those personally involved with flooding to exchange critical information, regarding insurance or other problems, etc. David Welch from Rotary Somerset
also attended – they supplied the flood control bags recently. Councillor Perreau met Resident from Pudleigh where a lot of work has been done re dredging of mill leat, bramble clearance, and channels for any extra high water to flow into a catchment pond area. The Scheme was arranged through FWAG on behalf of the Rivers Authority. £1,500 has been donated by the Rivers Authority towards this work, but another £1,500 still needed. Discussion held re getting a working party together, and whether dredging should remove gravel or keep, especially regarding trout. Grants possibly available for creating wetlands. A further £3500 will be needed for the work and repairs for the culvert. A lot of good work has been done. Highways have cleared the drains around Bumble Cottage, Nimmer and replaced the drain cover. Riparian responsibilities along Court Mill Lane being investigated.

17/2023 PLANNING
• App.23/01270 Redcroft and Drumalbyn, Chardleigh Green. Rear kitchen/dining room extension. No objections but observation that current 2 x 2 bedroomed houses (affordable) will become 1 x 4 bedroomed house (less affordable).
• App.23/01491 Dale Farm, Whiteway. New garage to provide parking and ancillary storage to existing house. No objections

18/2023 HIGHWAYS

a) Court Mill Lane – Drain clearance work being carried out in Court Mill Lane and drains all currently clear. Also being cleared around Wadeford area.
b) Visibility splays at some road junctions have been cut by farmers/landowners.
c) Drain cover in Nimmer Mead Lane now replaced.
Footpaths – Bonds Hill lower end – following site meeting re surface washed away quotes being obtained to build 2 steps.


A corner of the safer surfacing needs re-sticking 1 cap on the sky-rail is missing and a zip tie needed on one of the signs.

20/2023 MOORMANS

GTH, Agricultural Office have issued a 3-year Farm Business Tenancy Agreement for signing by the Parish Council and new tenant. Cost will be £250 (incorrect quote previously quoted of £150).

21/2023 FINANCE

Internal Audit in June currently being carried out, and External Audit due 3rd July.
Allotments half-year rent received £220.50

The following payments were approved and will be paid via Internet Banking/Cheque

£48.00. Mrs A. Hunt (broadband/repay compost costs for The Green
£275.20. Mrs A. Hunt (salary June less tax)
£74.40. HMRC (April – June)
£18.00. Village Hall (June PC mtg)
£220.50. Mrs. L. Purcell (Allotments half year rent)
£300.00. Greenslade, Taylor Hunt (Moormans Tenancy Agreement)


Bonds Hill footpath to Court Mill Lane. Part has washed away making stones dangerous and slippery.
Meeting to be held 25th May to discuss repair.

Combe St. Nicholas Parish Council