
Minutes of PC Meeting 23/05/22.

Minutes Uploaded on June 22, 2022

 Public time –


Held in the Village Hall on Monday 23rd May 2022 at 7.45pm



Miss Sue Pargeter, Mrs. Di Hine & Rev. Deborah Perreau.

Messrs. Ed Cockburn, Ian Croucher, Dr. Colin Ryall, Ian Stonex, Ian Whitehead

Also, Anne Hunt – Clerk, Jenny Kenton and Martin Wale (District Councillors) and 30 members of the public.

Apologies –

Acceptance of Office forms completed by all Councillors.



John Gilbert was nominated as Chairman by Councillor Ian Croucher, seconded by Councillor Ed Cockburn and unanimously elected.    Acceptance of Office form completed.

Ed Cockburn was nominated as Vice-Chairman by Councillor Di Hine, seconded by Councillor Sue Pargeter, and unanimously elected.





Martin Wale (District Co.)  Following elections Martin and Jenny were welcomed back as the elected Somerset members of the new Council.  They will continue as District Councillors for one year and then serve for 4 years on the new Unitary Authority.  Martin will try to get the ownership of Combe Wood Field passed over to the Parish Council.   No further action yet re planning enforcement at Whiteway.

Jenny Kenton (District Co.) Electric car charging points will be built in Chard carparks.  `No mow May` policy was followed by Council Contractors.  New nature trail at the reservoir – designed for families with information at their carparks.   The new `Fix-It` van now running to repair items that would otherwise by destined for rubbish.   Village Agents/talking cafes running in Chard.


3/2022             NEW CODE OF CONDUCT

 New Version of Model Councillor Code of Conduct 2020 (but only just circulated to Parishes) was agreed and adopted unanimously


4/2022             MINUTES

The Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 24h April 2022 were approved as a true record and signed.


5/2022             CO-OPTION OF 2 NEW COUNCILLORS

Mrs. Louise Simmons and Mrs. Cressida Govier-Drake agreed to be co-opted to the Parish Council.  They were both welcomed and will take part officially from the June meeting.  All relevant information will be given to them prior to that time.



 2 Flood Warden information meetings, organised by the Somerset Rivers Authority, will be held shortly – 7th June in Donyatt and 14th June in Chard.  There will be another meeting with the Flood Co-ordinator and a representative from FWAG SW on 24th May to investigate areas of flooding within our Parish with suggestions to alleviate future flooding.


7/2022             PLANNING

  •  App.22/00932 Land OS 0005 Greenway Lane. Erection of an earth banked slurry lagoon. As most of the members of the public were attending this meeting re this application, the meeting was opened for their comments/concerns.  After a long discussion Councillors objected to this proposal – A list of all the various points made are attached and to these minutes.
  • Re Enforcement Planning to query if planning permission required for current caravan, and 4storage containers in a field off Whiteway. No action yet taken by SSDC
  • Re Enforcement Planning to query loss of section of hedge and enlargement of nearby barn. Action now taken and hedge has to be re-instated and planning permission required for alterations to barn


8/2022             THE LAWNS

 No quotes received yet for replacing the wooden surrounds to the older equipment, or to use a soft-pout safer surfacing.    It was resolved unanimously to purchase a second goal as the initial one has been a success.  Tree has been purchased to be planted for the Queens Jubilee on 4th June.  Mr. Willis will dig the hole in readiness   Plaque has been ordered to mark this occasion.


9/2022             SPEED INDICATOR DEVICES (S.I.D’s)

 Information received from various companies for SIDs.  It was resolved to purchase 2, provided permission received from Highways and SCC.     Discussion followed re costs, types i.e. just speed in miles/km, or `smiley face` if a low speed – Solar, battery   length of warranty and training to be able to move or adjust.   Thanks to Councillor Ian Croucher for obtaining the various quotes.

Information received from a member of the `Save The Dragon` group – they would like to contribute towards this scheme (the Green Dragon has now been purchased, and the funds raised during the campaign to Save the Dragon will be used for Parish projects). This information was gratefully received and more details to follow.


10/2022          PUBLIC RIGHTS OF WAY

 Pudleigh footpath, (CH5/67) Work to repair the damage to the bridge and leat bank should start towards the end of June, following the floods of June 2021.


11/2022          QUEEN’S 70TH JUBILEE PLANS

 All the various locations – football club, exhibition in Church, village hall, and Underway Meade have their events in hand.  Tree purchased, and ground will be ready for Tree Planting event



 Internal control – We maintained an adequate system of internal control, including measures designed to prevent and detect fraud and corruption and reviewed its effectiveness. The report was agreed and signed


13/2022           FINANCE Annual Governance Statement

 External Audit – Date for Audit is 1st July.   All section of the Annual Governance Statement agreed and signed by Chairman and Clerk


14/2022           FINANCE          Accounting Statement & Exemption Certificate

 All the figures have been checked, and Accounting Statement now signed by the Chairman and Clerk.   The Accounts book also checked and signed by Chairman and Clerk

As the gross Income or Expenditure did not exceed £25000, the Certificate of Exemption signed by Chairman and Clerk.

The pads on the defibrillator on the School wall need replacing at an approximate cost of £100 – Agreed  Also the battery if this also needed.

The following payments were approved and will be paid via Internet Banking.

£30.00. Mrs A. Hunt (postage/broadband. costs).

£112.23. Mrs. A. Hunt (repay cost of jubilee tree + soil etc.

£18.00. Village Hall (May meeting).

£1,040.49. Gallagher (Annual Insurance).

£48.45. Ian Croucher (repay cost of Jubilee Plaque for tree planting event).

£360.00. NetWise UK (website maintenance, support).


15/2022           GENERAL MATTERS  


Combe St. Nicholas Parish Council