
Minuets of PC Meeting 26/02/24.

Minutes Uploaded on March 20, 2024

Public time   –




Held in the Village Hall on Monday 26th February 2024 at 7.30pm


PARISH COUNCILLORS        Mr. Ed Cockburn, Chairman

Rev. Deborah Perreau, Mrs. Cressida Govier-Drake, Mrs Di Hine, Mrs. Louise Simmons

Dr. Colin Ryall, Messrs. Ian Croucher, Ian Stonex, Ian Whitehead,

Also     Mrs. Jenny Kenton (County Councillors), 1 member of the public, -Mrs. A. Hunt – Parish Clerk


Apologies –Miss Sue Pargeter, Mr. John Gilbert, Martin Wale (County Councillor)


90/2023-24           DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST – Mrs. D. Hine, Pecunary, and Mr. Ed Cockburn, Personal, re planning application 23/03229/REM.


91/2023-24           COUNTY COUNCILLORS REPORT


The usual bus service to Chard or Taunton is being disrupted due to the road closure at Crimchard for 40 days.  At the moment, just 1 bus to Chard, comes down into Combe St. Nicholas, turns round and goes back up Stoopers Hill at 9.28am, and vice versa leaving Chard at 13.50.  Jenny has a contact that can alter the bus back from Chard to 11.50 and will now arrange this.  Meanwhile more messages are being sent to the Bus Company to get more buses to come into Combe.    Details of anyone having problems booking a `Slinky` community bus also to be forwarded to Jenny.


92/2023-24          MINUTES


The Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 22nd January 2024 were approved as a true record and signed




Despite the amount of rain we have had in recent months, no flooding problems have been reported.

2 members of the Flood Mitigation group visited Nimmer and it appears that nearly all the run-off into the ditches comes off from the surrounding fields.  More engagement with landowners needed.

It was a disappointing turn out at the recent Resilience Public meeting in January but the launch of our local Plan should be ready for distribution shortly. Plan to be circulated to Parish Councillors initially. 2 new volunteers to help in times of need were signed up.


94/2023-24           PLANNING


  • App. 24/00265 Burlings, Underway. Replace outbuilding with a storeroom building. No objections
  • App. 23/02945 Grovelands, Clayhanger Lane. Amended roof plans. The interpretation of the amended plans shows there has been no significant attempt to address the concerns shown for original refusal.  Our grounds for rejection remain the same.  The vast majority of the roof is flat at street view of the building now proposed and will still read as a two storey block. The attempt at imposing a barge board on the `gable` end is unsatisfactory. A qualified architect who actually visits the site would seem to be a sensible and worthwhile investment.
  • App. 23/03229/REM Reserved matters. Appearance, landscaping, layout and scale following outline approval of 22/03527/OUT for erection of new C3 dwelling for agricultural worker.  No objections.  Councillors Ed Cockburn and Mrs. D. Hine both left the hall during this discussion.  Rev. D. Perreau chaired the meeting for this application.
  • App. 24/00024 The Old Coach House, Crock Street, Donyatt. Construction of two bay timber car port, and associated storage, under a clay tiled roof in place of existing shed and hard standing area. No objections.
  • App. 24/00196 Outlook, Nimmer. Replacement roof over garage, replacement rear extension, porch addition, minor external alterations and internal alterations. No objections
  • App. 24/00279/TCA Notification of intent to fell 3 trees and carry out surgery works to 1 tree within a Conservation Area. Notification only

Proposed Slurry Lagoon – Greenway Lane. A further notification sent to Planners re loss of rented land for spreading of slurry,  Propose to County Councillors to get the application decided by Committee.


95/2023-24           HIGHWAYS


  1. Bus service – see Minute 91/2023-24
  2. Road Closure – Cuttifords Door Cross roads – Bonds Close from 12th February for 40 days. Investigate bus routes, etc. while closure in place.
  3. An offer to check drains (Gullies) which need clearance has been made. Maps of all gullies in the Parish to be made available to him and Councillors.


96/2023-24           THE LAWNS PLAY AREA/Combe Wood Rec. Field


The length of term of the Lease for Combe Wood Field to be checked before considering more equipment for the Field, for security. 99year lease preferred.  Clerk to check the Lease.


Request from a neighbour by The Lawns re hedge, as new fence panels are required.  Councillors Ian Croucher and Colin Ryall agreed to meet for Site meeting with our grass cutting contractor  New goalposts now installed.


97/2023-24           FINANCE


The following payments were approved and will be paid via Internet Banking


Mrs A. Hunt (broadband costs, repay refreshment costs for Resilience Meeting, repay Computer ink costs)    £30.00 + £6 + £30.94

Village Hall (February PC mtg)   £18.00

Somerset County (Quarterly playground inspections)   £117.20


98/2023-24           GENERAL MATTERS  


  1. Re-check enforcement action re planning application still not received re Whiteway field.
  2. The garage by Taylors Meade reception area needs attention – Abri. C) Visibility mirror needed for top junction of Underway/Combe Hill.  D) Chard Museum would like to make a short presentation to Council. Agreed.
Combe St. Nicholas Parish Council