Public time –
Held in the Village Hall on Thursday 24th August 2023 at 7.30pm
PARISH COUNCILLORS Mr. Ed Cockburn, Chairman
Rev. Deborah Perreau, Mrs. Cressida Govier-Drake, Mrs Di Hine, Miss Sue Pargeter, Mrs. Louise Simmons
Messrs. Ian Croucher, Ian Stonex, Ian Whitehead,
Also: Jenny Kenton (County Councillor), Mrs. A. Hunt – Parish Clerk
Apologies – Dr. Colin Ryall, Mr. John Gilbert, Martin Wale (County Councillor)
The Local Community Network (LCN) meeting was held recently. There is no budget currently allocated for this group. The attendees were divided into small groups for discussions on aspects considered of interest. The Govt. ban on single use plastics comes into force very shortly. Advertising on the road network/roundabouts for goods and services is being considered as a way of raising money for Somerset Council as they will be £90 million over-budget this year.
35/2023 MINUTES
The Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 24th July 2023 were approved as a true record and signed
The magazine – Climate Adaption Toolkit from Somerset Wildlife Trust is worth reading.
2 public meetings have been planned – 2nd October for residents who have already been affected in June 2021, and 24th November as a public meeting with a speaker. Tatworth and Forton PC have asked if they can join with Flood Warden training. The Environment Agency have produced a leaflet, naming this Parish, with information of what to do if risk of flooding. 50 copies have been requested.
37/2023 PLANNING
- App.23/02152/PAMB Barns at Crock Street. Prior approval application from agricultural to dwellings. Notification only Plans discussed but no comments to be made.
38/2023 HIGHWAYS
- Footpaths – Bonds Hill lower end –quote received for £280 to create 2 steps to replace surface washed away quotes being obtained to build 2 steps. A further site meeting was held to clarify some points. It was proposed to change the scheme to 3 steps and widen the area.
- Road deeply rutted with mud if turning left from Whiteway into Greenway. Also, in the area before the junction on Whiteway cracks are appearing from subsidence? – trees need attention, as hedge almost non-existent Highways to be informed.
38/2023 Highways Cont’d
- 3 new Speed watch volunteers are now on duty at times in Wadeford. The SID camera is also being re-installed this week
Road Safety Course attended by Councillor Ian Croucher and certificate issued for Working on Highway.
39/2023 THE LAWNS PLAY AREA/Combe Wood Field
A request has been received for cricket nets to be erected in Combe Wood Field. Details re size and cost were circulated. The Lawns not suitable but investigation re site etc to be carried out. A site meeting to be held at Combe Wood Field.
The slide is currently being painted.
A query from a resident about the pedestrian gate not self-closing. It was explained to her that the spring keeps getting damaged Mervyn Powell to be contacted to enquire about the springs used on footpath gates to see if they can be fitted to this pedestrian gate. Meanwhile a rope loop fitted.
40/2023 MOORMANS
The 3-year Farm Business Tenancy Agreement is a `rolling tenancy` and doesn’t have to be renewed every 3 years.
Work is currently taking place to repair the roof. Work should be completed shortly. The insulation was purchased and donated by the Parish Council The solar panels will be installed afterwards.
Current Standing Orders, No.1, clause e, Period of time for members of the public to make representations, shall not exceed (15) minutes. After discussion it was resolved to alter this time limit to 3 minutes with Chairman’s discretion.
43/2023 FINANCE
The following payments were approved and will be paid via Internet Banking/Cheque
£30.95. Mrs A. Hunt (broadband + postage)
£272.80. Mrs A. Hunt (salary June less tax)
£24.80. HMRC (April – May) (June)
£18.00. Village Hall (August PC mtg)
£240.00. Tess Group (Road safety course + certification for Councillor)
£53.11. Expenses re road safety equipment for Councillor)
£35.00 (direct debit). Information Commissioner’s Office (Data Protection annual fee)
The editor of the Cloverleaf Magazine will be moving soon, and someone to take over is required. The annual advertising income is now due, and again someone is needed to help with this.