Our Eco Church
Last year we decided that we would try to obtain an Eco award from A Rocha, this is a Christian charity working for the protection and restoration of the natural world and is committed to helping Christians and churches in the UK to care for the environment.
It is possible to work towards a bronze, silver or gold award, being fortunate to have a great team in our Church membership along with the Sunday School Wood Team and with everyone being so mindful of how precious our resources are, we have worked together to try to be a truly mindful and proactive group. Last year we were delighted to be given the Bronze award, for which we were all very pleased.
We have all made a conscious effort together to explore how we care for the world we live in, how we do our best at home along with our families, to save and reuse items as much as possible and how we make our environment more insect and bird friendly.
We have created a recycling point in the church to collect used crisp packets etc. to go to the local school for recycling and fundraising, also the church is a collection point for those living in the village without transport, making it possible to leave plastics and containers at church which are taken to our local recycling centre. This means far less going to the landfill.
All this means were possible. we don’t use any plastics now. We now only use re-usable items including our crockery, with loose tea and fair-trade products along with refillable products from our local Chard store, along with anything else we can see needs or is possible.
Combe Church is a great place to go for a bit of quiet reflection, somewhere where you can relax both inside and out, to be at one with nature and God. The wild areas in the churchyard itself and up in Sunday School wood with wild flowers, nesting and bat boxes, all carefully placed and loving tended, give hope for a better world, a world where we can encourage others to be mindful of the sacredness and fragility of our planet and continue to work together to promote re cycling.
We are now working hard towards our silver award and waiting for our Plastic free award to arrive soon.