
Agenda for PC Meeting 23/09/2024.

Agendas Uploaded on September 18, 2024

Combe St. Nicholas Parish Council

Clerk – Mrs. A. Hunt                                                                          Alterhay House

Tel: 01460 61296                                                                                Combe St. Nicholas

e-mail;                                            Chard, Somerset. TA20 3LT

 17th September 2024

The next Parish Council meeting will be held on


 In the Village Hall

At  7.30pm


County Councillors will also attend, and questions can be asked during Public time at the start




  • 1 Apologies and Declarations of Interest
  • 2 County Councillors reports
  • 3 Minutes – Approve Minutes of meeting held on 22ND August 2024
  • 4 The Lawns Play Area
  • 5 Fence on the eastern side. Adjoining neighbour request new fence incorporating shrubs.
  • 6 Consider new provider for annual/quarterly equipment checks
  • 7 Highways – Meeting to be held on 25th September with Highways Manager re drain clearance
  • 8 Planning –
  • App. 24/02067/TCA Mulberry House, New Road. Notification of intent to fell 1 tree within a conservation area. Notification only.
  •  9 Fingerposts 5-year inspection details/update
  • 10    Flood Mitigation and Community Resilience   Next Somerset Prepared County Meeting Weds 6th November at Bridgwater.
  • 11   Finance

External Audit completed.

Approve payments –

Mrs. A. Hunt (broadband costs)                                                         £30.00

Village Hall (September meeting)                                                      £18.00

PKF Littlejohn LLP (External Audit)                                                £210.00 + £42 vat = £252.00

Ian Croucher (repay expenses)                                                           £74.74


  • 12 General Matters –

Next scheduled Parish Council meeting – 28th October 2024


Anne Hunt – Parish Clerk

Combe St. Nicholas Parish Council