Village Hall Management
The hall is a registered charity (no 296563). It is managed by a Committee which comprises four elected officers (Chair, Vice Chair, Treasurer and Secretary) and representatives of those groups which use the hall regularly.
The election of the officers and confirmation of the representatives occurs annually at the AGM, held in the Hall after public notice. All these automatically become Managing Trustees, registered on the Charities Commission website. The annual report and accounts are presented at the AGM, the accounts having been inspected by an independent person. There are usually four committee meetings per year. All meetings are minuted. Day-to-day management is devolved to the officers.
The current officers and members of the committee are:
- Chairman: Alan Verrinder
- Vice Chairman: Yvonne Froehlich
- Treasurer: Ian Croucher
- Secretary: Sue Pargeter
Organisations represented are:
- Parish Council
- Local History Group
- Short Mat Bowls Club
- Art Group
- Parochial Church Council
- Local Ladies Group
- Combe School
- Cloverleaf Productions
- Methodist Church
- Combe and Wadeford Gala Committee
- Isle Group
- Village Café
The hall has Hallmark 1 accreditation and at the last inspection (August 2019), received a glowing report commenting: “We are entirely satisfied that the standards are such that Hallmark 1 should be renewed without further ado”.