
Minutes of PC Meeting 24/01/2022.

Minutes Uploaded on February 24, 2022


Meeting Held in the Village Hall on Monday 24th January 2022 at 7.30pm


PARISH COUNCILLORS        Mr John Gilbert -Chairman

Miss Sue Pargeter, Mrs.Di Hine, Rev. Deborah Perreau. Messrs. Ed Cockburn, Ian Croucher, Ian Stonex, Ian Whitehead.


Also, Jenny Kenton, (District Councillor), Anne Hunt – Clerk,


Apologies – Councillor Tony Sauer, Dr. Colin Ryall, Martin Wale (District Councillor)





Amanda Broom – Amanda has retired as County Councillor with immediate effect, due to work commitments.

Jenny Kenton (District Co.) – Signs have now been erected on the Cuttifords Door road to stop heavy lorries using it in connection with the house-building at Blackdown Heights.  Vaccinations have been given at The Guildhall re Covid-19 but now on hold as the take-up since Christmas has been lower.

Some Omicron grants are still available for businesses in the hospitality and leisure industry and applications can be assessed by the SSDC website until Feb.28th.  Also available for those on low income or have too self-isolate.

110 Councillors will be elected in May 2022 to the New Somerset Council.  Boundaries will be split, and Combe St. Nicholas Parish will be part of Chard North with 2 elected County Councillors for the first year and then they will serve a term of four years as Unitary Councillors, when the District Council will have been absorbed by the new Council.  Jenny and Martin will serve until the end of April 2023.

The Waste Partnership collections are still having problems due to heavy loads – Missed Black bins should be left out and Collectors will return to empty as soon as possible.

Bonfires are not encouraged due to pollution     Full report attached to these minutes.


68/2021                 MINUTES

The Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 22nd November 2021 were approved as a true record and signed.


69/2021                 RECENT FLOODING EVENT IN PARISH

 Public Footpath Pudleigh Mill – The date to complete the work put back for some months approx.,

Public Drop-In meeting re Flooding held in Chard today – Some residents attended especially from Nimmer who saw the Highways Manager and a meeting has been arranged with him on site     Councillor Sauer is attending the Council meeting at Chard tonight to gather information re their mitigation plans.

Flood wardens –Information still being sought


70/2021                 PLANNING

  •  App.21/03426 Land at Barley Hill Farm, Barley hill. Change of use and conversion of 2 redundant agricultural buildings into 3 dwellings with associated access, parking and landscape. No objections.
  • A caravan has been parked just inside a field gate on Whiteway. The owner informs that it is purely there when sheep need any attention. Check with Planning Dept. re any rules for this.


71/2021                THE LAWNS

Meeting held on The Lawns with the Contracts Manager, and 2 others from Proludic Play following agreement to go ahead following acceptance of their quote for new climbing frame and sky-rail, to discuss how the installation of the new equipment will be carried out.  They hope to start work in the middle of February to erect the climbing frame and sky-rail, and associated works.  They will also renew the timbers around the current safer surfacing on the rest of the equipment, and have suggested a grass mat be put over the top.  The 2 `springers` will be moved to a site between the swings.  The chain link fencing on the north side of the play area will be re-wired through the top to strengthen.  The Cherry tree near the notice board will be removed prior to the work starting.

The whole area will need to be closed for safety reasons while the equipment is being installed.   Inform School to get the information into their newsletter plus posters for notice board.

Still awaiting tree surgeons to confirm they will carry out the work to the copper beech to remove lower branches.   Jonathan Astill will carry out an inspection of the tree, cost £290 – agreed.

New trees to replace the ones lost over time to be considered, especially to commemorate the Queens Jubilee.


72/2021                 CORRESPONDENCE


73/2021                 HIGHWAYS

 Pudleigh Lane needs more work as a culvert needs replacing.  Some work carried out to adjacent ditches, etc. but still flooding badly.   The road will be closed for replacement of the large culvert which has collapsed at Pudleigh Mill.  A drain cover has disappeared along Nimmer Mead.  Highways informed.

Proposals from the 13 Parish Councils Group (including Combe St. Nicholas) along the length of, and nearby, the A358 sent in to the Highways Agency re their dualling scheme.  Various amendments re the side roads and junctions proposed by the Parish Councils Group have now been sent to H.A.


74/2021                 FINANCE     

  1.  a) Precept figures for the year 4/2022 – 3/2023 circulated. After discussion it was resolved to increase the Precept by 2.75% (£18740) to cover any possible unknown costs to help residents with/ river clearance costs/setting up Volunteer groups for this purpose following the Flooding in June 2021.
  2. b) Allotments rent for half-year Jan – July received £220.50 and Moormans Rent £50.


The following payments were approved.

Mrs A. Hunt (postage/broadband. And computer ink costs)                               £77.92

Village Hall (June to December meetings)                                                                 £102.00

Dr. W. Freeston (repay cost of Footpath Volunteers lunch/expenses)            £277.95

Mrs. J. Purcell (Allotments rent)                                                                                     £220.50


75/2021                 GENERAL MATTERS –

  1. Slurry leaking down Brocole Lane again – Environmental Agency to be informed + farmer.
  2. Queens 70th Jubilee 2 – 5th Possible events – Sat.4th Dedication of new Play Equipment. Sat. all day – History exhibition in church.  Sat. evening -village hall to watch the Jubilee concert from London.   Sun.5th Parish picnic at Football Club with Morris Dancing. tug-o-war & BBQ.


Next PC Meeting Date: 28th February 2022.

Combe St. Nicholas Parish Council