Public time – The Chairman of the Combe Allotments Group gave a presentation and request for help in purchasing a new mower/nettle cutter for use at the Allotments Field. The request to be dealt with under Minute 92/2020-22
Information was given about a possible Planning matter re a field on the south side of Whiteway.
Held in the Village Hall on Monday 28th March 2022 at 7.30pm
PARISH COUNCILLORS Mr John Gilbert -Chairman
Miss Sue Pargeter, Mrs.Di Hine,
Messrs. Ed Cockburn, Ian Croucher, Dr. Colin Ryall, Tony Sauer, Ian Stonex, Ian Whitehead
Also, Anne Hunt – Clerk, Martin Wale (District Councillor) and 6 members of the public.
Apologies – Councillor Rev. Deborah Perreau and Jenny Kenton, (District Councillor)
Martin Wale (District Co.) Election for 110 new Councillors for the New Somerset Council, as well as Parish Councillors, takes place on the 5th May. He has contacted the Planning Enforcement team re the planning query in Whiteway.
Report from Jenny Kenton attached to minutes.
85/2021-22 MINUTES
The Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 28h February 2022 were approved as a true record and signed.
Follow on from Public Drop-In meeting re Flooding held in Chard – A Flood Resilience Group is being set up in Chard, and SCC authorities encourage Parishes subject to flooding to form their own Resilience Group.
A meeting was held with the Flood Co-ordinator of Martock Parish, and information exchanged as to how to start one up here. More help in an emergency as well as equipment can be obtained. Councillor Perreau has agreed to take on the role of Flood Co-ordinator in the short term, but deputy and others also needed. The group should not just be about flooding problems, but also other contingencies – bad weather, etc. Volunteers should be trained and insured 3 residents have volunteered to come forward to help with a scheme in Combe St. Nicholas Parish Others will help if they can. List of vulnerable residents in the Parish may be required in case of emergencies Further meeting to be arranged with the Flood Co-ordinator of Martock in May.
87/2021-22 PLANNING
- Re Public Time. The owner of the caravan which has been parked just inside a field gate on Whiteway attended this meeting and gave more details of future plans. As he had not yet contacted the Planning Dept. it was suggested that he do so before going ahead with other changes to the site, especially as he would like to bring in another 2 storage containers and possible yurts. Clerk and District Councillor will also check with the Planning Dept.
88/2021-22 THE LAWNS
Work has now been completed installing the new climbing frame and sky-rail, although the final safety check papers have not yet been received SSDC quarterly check also due shortly. As it was rather wet at the time of installation, the grass surrounding the area will take a little time to recover.
A quote has been received to replace the wooden surrounds of the remaining equipment, at a cost of £800 with £600 to rewire along the top of the wired fence at the north of the site. It was resolved to include this in the April agenda re decision.
No quotes received to date re trimming of lower branches of the copper beach tree. Inspection of the tree is due to be carried out today. Details still being sought for 2 replacement trees
89/2021-22 ELECTION
All the nomination papers need to be handed in at the Yeovil office by 5th April. Clerk will check all the poll numbers re nominators prior to this. Election of New Somerset Councillors will also take place on the 5th May.
90/2021-22 HIGHWAYS
A request from some residents to erect signs to reduce speeds of vehicles has been made. This scheme was rejected a few years ago due to removing the equipment every few weeks, plus cost. There is no known scheme in being to be able to rent these Speed Indicator Devices (SIDs) Some local Parishes to be contacted re possible sharing of a device.
Some of the road signs have been repainted, including some new Slow painted signs near the entrance to Underway Meade The potholes near the bottom of Stantway have also finally been filled.
A request received to help with the cost of running the floodlights in the church grounds. New LCD bulbs to be purchased which will reduce the electricity costs drastically. As this is a Parish feature it was resolved to donate £300.00 towards the project.
Various plans going ahead for this extended 4-day Bank Holiday 2nd – 5th June, at Football Club, The Lawns, Parish Church, Underway Meade and Village Hall. Full programme attached to these Minutes.
93/2021-22 FINANCE
- Discussion re request to help with cost of new lawn mower (£1500) for Allotments Field – thought cost rather expensive – get more quotes and re-assess at April meeting.
- Internet Banking now up and running. Payments can be made direct into bank accounts rather than by cheques The following payments were approved.
Mrs A. Hunt (postage/broadband. costs) £30.00
Village Hall (March meeting) £18.00
Mr. P. Key (repay cost of welding and repairing seat
on Higher Wadeford Lane £70.00
S.S.D.C. (Quarterly play equipment checks) £127.20
94/2021-22 GENERAL MATTERS –
- No answer yet from Environmental Agency re Brocole Lane Reminder to be sent.
- The River Axe catchment area now has specific measures re phosphates similar to those for The Levels.
- Parish Diversity – circulated email from SSDC and put on Agenda for May.
- SCC – ownership of Combe Wood Field – follow up transfer of Asset before the new Somerset Council takes effect.