Public time – Details of planning application at Whiteway Farm
Held in the Village Hall on Monday 24th June 2024 at 7.30pm
PARISH COUNCILLORS Mr. Ed Cockburn, Chairman
Mrs Di Hine, Miss Sue Pargeter, Mrs. Cressida Govier-Drake,
Mrs. Louise Simmons,
Dr. Colin Ryall, Messrs. Ian Croucher, John Gilbert, Ian Stonex, Ian Whitehead
Also 1 member of the public, – Mrs. Jenny Kenton and Mr. Martin Wale (County Councillors)
and Mrs. A. Hunt – Parish Clerk
Apologies – None
Jenny Kenton (County Councillor) – Some postal votes are late in delivery (general election 4th July) and if necessary can be taken to the polling station.
Martin Wale (County Councillor) – An emergency meeting was held last week to ratify decision that the Gravity Site at Bridgwater would be bought for £150million over a number of years, making Electric batteries for vehicles. 4000 people will be employed – half the money will be coming from the Government. Martin was asked about the rate of interest for this borrowing – probably at a lower rate from the Government. The Council would also receive and keep the business rates paid for this site.
Some previous investments are being sold off, some at a loss.
Potholes in Wadeford still not filled. 1000 Somerset County staff will be given redundancy notice
15/2024 MINUTES
The Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 30TH May 2024 were approved as a true record and signed after the amendments made and minutes retyped
16/2024 PLANNING
- App. 24/01278/S73A Langham House, Langham, Wadeford. S73 application to vary condition 2 (approved plans 22/01910) Proposed condition of a former agricultural barn into one unit of residential living accommodation with associated parking. No objections
- App.24/01306 Whiteway Farm, Whiteway. Cover an agricultural yard, with shed, with an associated rainwater harvesting tank. No objections
- App.24/01421/S73A Land at New House Farm, Combe Wood Lane. S73A application to vary condition 2 (approved plans 19/02321. Reserved matters application seeking the approval of layout, scale, external appearance and landscaping pursuant to condition 01 outline permission 18/01349 for the redevelopment of farmyard and buildings and the erection of up to 10 dwellings and access thereto.
Plot 9 and 10 revised design – vary road frontage to 1 storey, with 2-storey to rear. No objections
17/2024 HIGHWAYS
- a) Ditches/drains cleared near Bumble Cottage, Nimmer but some not considered deep enough as this area floods quite often.
- b) The overhanging trees in Whiteway, near the junction with Greenway, need cutting back as difficult for tractors, etc., to get through. Both Landowners to be contacted.
- c) Verge cutting – The growth in places, particularly at road junctions, needs trimming. This is normally carried out in July for this Parish by Highways. It was resolved to get a local farmer to cut as much as possible, up to a limit of £600.
- d) Springs still coming up along Clayhanger Lane, near junction with Court Mill Lane, but water table is still high.
- e) Eastern end of Scrapton Lane floods due to blocked drains.
A meeting is being held, starting at Pudleigh Mill, with representatives of Flood Risk Management Consultants on 26th June.
19/2024 FINANCE
External Audit – 2nd July. Approve Accounts Statement.
Allotments – Half year rent received.
The following payments were approved and will be paid via Internet Banking
Mrs A. Hunt (broadband costs). £30.00
Village Hall (June PC mtg). £18.00
Mrs. L. Purcell (Allotments rent- half year). £220.50
- Councillor Ryall attended a meeting/presentation at Neroche re Forestry Wilding. Neroche is one of 4 sites in Britain carrying this out.
- The Children’s Cinema club on a Saturday has been discontinued due to lack of interest, and also the Monday Games afternoon. The Wednesday Chatterbox Café is still very popular. (£150 was granted to the Village Hall to cover some costs for these events). The Lego Club will probably move to the Village Hall after July when the Methodist Church closes.
- Unfortunately the Methodist Church will be closing at the end of July, due to lack of membership. A space will be made within the Parish Church for any future requirements.