
Minutes of PC Meeting 25/04/2022.

Minutes Uploaded on May 18, 2022

 Public time – The Chairman of the Combe Allotments Group gave a 2nd presentation and request for help in purchasing a new mower/nettle cutter for use at the Allotments Field – amended costs. The request to be dealt with under Minute 92/2020-22

Information was given about a possible Planning matter re a field on the south side of Whiteway.





Held in the Village Hall on Monday 25th April 2022 at 7.30pm

PARISH COUNCILLORS        Mr John Gilbert – Chairman

Miss Sue Pargeter, Mrs.Di Hine,

Messrs. Ed Cockburn, Ian Croucher, Ian Stonex, Ian Whitehead

     Also, Anne Hunt – Clerk, Martin Wale (District Councillor) and 11 members of the public.


Apologies – Councillors Rev. Deborah Perreau, Dr. Colin Ryall, Tony Sauer, and Jenny Kenton, (District Councillor)


95/2021-22                       COUNTY & DISTRICT COUNCILLORS REPORT

Martin Wale (District Co.)  Election for 110 new Councillors for the New Somerset Council, as well as Parish Councillors, takes place on the 5th May.  He has contacted SCC re possible transfer of the Combe Wood Field Asset to the Parish Council.  They will check again following the election.    He has also contacted the Planning Enforcement team re the planning query in Whiteway.

Report from Jenny Kenton attached to minutes.

96/2021-22                       MINUTES

The Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 28h March 2022 were approved as a true record and signed.

97/2021-22                       RECENT FLOODING EVENT IN PARISH

The next Flood Mitigation meeting will be held in Chard on 27th April. Another meeting is being arranged with the Flood Co-ordinator of Martock Parish.  Some residents of Court Mill Lane have made big changes to their homes to try and alleviate future flooding problems

98/2021-22                       PLANNING

  • App.22/00683/OUT Land adj. to Chardleigh Green House. Outline application with all matters reserved except access for the formation of new vehicular access and erection of detached dwelling and associated parking. Discussions held re new access as opposed to changing existing one.  No objections to dwelling but concerns about new access.
  •  Re Public Time. Representations have been given to Enforcement Planning to query if planning permission required for current caravan, and 4storage containers in a field off Whiteway. No reply yet received.   Owner has also contacted them, but again awaiting information

99/2021-22                       THE LAWNS

The area around the climbing frame has been re-seeded but no rain since.  Concern about marks on some of the stainless-steel frames have now been cleaned off.  Still waiting for another quote for replacing wooden surrounds on older equipment.  Check with the grass cutters re the ease of cutting on the new grass matting surfacing    Obtain quotes re possibly renewing the safer surfacing currently under the old equipment with new grass matting/soft pour surface.

Tree replacement – after various suggestions it was decided to source an ornamental cherry A further tree to be planted later in the year.

Tree inspection of copper beech – report from Astill Tree Inspection circulated.  Tree in good order but lower branches need trimming but later in the summer.

100/2021-22                     ELECTION

Election of New Somerset Councillors will also take place on the 5th May.  There have not been enough nominations received to cover all places on the Parish Council.  When official results known nominations will be required at the May meeting to Co-opt some extra. Letter of thanks to be sent to Tony Sauer who did not seek re-election.

 101/2021-22                     SPEED INDICATOR DEVICES (S.I.Ds)

A request from some residents to erect signs to reduce speeds of vehicles has been made  Information to be obtained, and also re possible grants from Avon & Somerset Police

102/2021-22                    QUEEN’S 70TH JUBILEE PLANS

Plans still being arranged.  Band at Football club event now cancelled but another singer may be suitable – details to be given to them.

103/2021-22                     FINANCE     

  1. Discussion re request to help with cost of new lawn mower (amended down to £850) for Allotments Field – in view of new information given during Public Time after discussion it was resolved to donate £500 towards the cost.
  2. The following payments were approved and will be paid via Internet Banking.

£30.00. Mrs A. Hunt (postage/broadband. costs)

£18.00. Village Hall (April meeting)

£1500.00. Combe St. Nicholas School Fund (grant towards running track)

£28640.01+ 5768.02 vat = £34608.03 Proludic Ltd. (installation of zip-wire and climbing frame.

£290.00. Astill Treecare Ltd (inspection of copper beach tree The Lawns)

£500.00. Combe Parish Allotment Assoc. (grant towards lawn mower)


104/2021-22                     GENERAL MATTERS –

  1. Query when public footpath from Court Mill Lane to Pudleigh will be repaired. Clerk to follow up with SCC Rights of Way dept.
  2. Brocole Lane – plans re new slurry areas will be made in the future.
  3. Combe Local Ladies Group has been rebranded to Combe Community Group to incorporate Gardening Club and General history
  4. Open Reach still progressing with faster broadband connections in Wadeford and surrounding area.
Combe St. Nicholas Parish Council