
Agenda for PC Meeting 22/08/2024.

Agendas Uploaded on August 19, 2024

Combe St. Nicholas Parish Council

Clerk – Mrs. A. Hunt                                                                          Alterhay House

Tel: 01460 61296                                                                                Combe St. Nicholas

e-mail;                                            Chard, Somerset. TA20 3LT

 16th August 2024

The next Parish Council meeting will be held on

THURSDAY 22nd AUGUST  In the Village Hall

At  7.30pm


County Councillors will also attend, and questions can be asked during Public time at the start




    1. Apologies and Declarations of Interest
    2. County Councillors reports
    3. Minutes – Approve Minutes of meeting held on 22ND July 2024
    4. Combe Wood Rec. Field/ The Lawns Play area – Report following meeting in the Rec.field to clear the earth jumps for cycles area at the bottom of the field.

Annual report received from RoSPA re The Lawns play equipment

Fence on the eastern side.  Adjoining neighbour request new fence incorporating shrubs.

      5. Highways – Drain survey completed Letter received from Highways

6. Planning –

    • App. 24/01553 Lane at Combe Head Farm. Change of use of agricultural land to holiday accommodation, installation of holiday lodge and foul water treatment upgrade to current system.
    • App.18/04057/OUT Outline application for mixed development, comprising residential development up to 295 dwellings, provision of floodlit full size football pitch, unlit training pitch and community sports pitch with assoc. multi use clubhouse, spectator facilities and vehicular parking area, hub for local neighbourhood facilities and all other associated planning works. Revised information re flood risk assessment, nutrient report, slight amendment of site line.

7. Fingerposts 5-year inspection details.

8. Dog/Litter Bins Somerset County will probably charge for this service from 2025 @ £8 per bin per week

9. Flood Mitigation and Community Resilience

10. Finance

Approve payments –

Mrs. A. Hunt (broadband costs)                                                         £30.00

Village Hall (August meeting)                                                           £18.00

Paul Maple (repair of broken seat on The Lawns)                             £

RoSPA (Annual play inspection)                                                       £216.00

    1. General Matters –

Next scheduled Parish Council meeting – 23rd September 2024

Anne Hunt – Parish Clerk

Combe St. Nicholas Parish Council