
Agenda for PC meeting 25/07/2022

Agendas Uploaded on July 20, 2022

Combe St.Nicholas Parish Council

Clerk – Mrs. A. Hunt Alterhay House
Tel: 01460 61296 Combe St.Nicholas
e-mail; Chard, Somerset. TA20 3LT

19th July 2022.

The next Parish Council meeting will be held on Monday 25th July at 7.30 in the Village Hall


1. Declarations of Interest

2. District Councillors reports

3. Approve Minutes of meeting held on 27th June 2022.

4. Planning • App.22/01208 New House Farm, Combe Wood Lane. Demolition of existing garage, redundant chimney and extension, construction of 2-storey extension, cycle/recycling/garden storage shed, replacement double garage and remodelling of existing farmhouse
• App.22/01910 Langham House, Langham, Wadeford. Proposed conversion of a former agricultural barn into one unit of residential living accommodation with associated parking.
• App.22/02024 Land at Galpins Orchard, Cuttifords Door. Outline Application with all matters reserved for the erection of two dwellings and associated parking.

5. The Lawns – Rep. From Proludic Ltd. met for a site visit re the Sky-rail. Consider any quotes received to replace wooden surrounds to 3 pieces of play equipment.

6. Flood Mitigation/Flood Warden Up-dates

7. Highways – a) Roads closed – 3 phases – Cuttifords Door road, Crimchard to Pudleigh Lane, and Langham to Whitney Lane – 10th – 23rd August BT Openreach.

8. Correspondence – a)

9. Police –

10. Finance – a)

Approve the following payments now due:
£323.20. Mrs. A. Hunt Pay and expenses.
£18. Village Hall (July)
£70. Paul Maple (repair of seats on The Lawns)

11. General Matters
Next meeting due – 22nd August.

Anne Hunt – Parish Clerk.

Combe St. Nicholas Parish Council